NAME App::git::ship - Git command for shipping your project VERSION 0.1301 DESCRIPTION App::git::ship is a git command for building and shipping your project. The main focus is to automate away the boring steps, but at the same time not get in your (or any random contributor) way. Problems should be solved with sane defaults according to standard rules instead of enforcing more rules. This project can also "start" (create) a new project, just "build" (prepare for shipping) and "clean" projects. App::git::ship differ from other tools like dzil by not enforcing new ways to do things, but rather incorporate with the existing way. Example structure and how App::git::ship works on your files: * my-app/cpanfile and my-app/Makefile.PL The cpanfile is used to build the "PREREQ_PM" and "BUILD_REQUIRES" structures in the ExtUtils::MakeMaker based "Makefile.PL" build file. The reason for this is that cpanfile is a more powerful format that can be used by Carton and other tools, so generating cpanfile from Makefile.PL would simply not be possible. Other data used to generate Makefile.PL are: "NAME", "LICENSE" will have values from "project_name" and "license". "AUTHOR" will have the name and email from the last git committer. "ABSTRACT_FROM" and "VERSION_FROM" are fetched from the main_module_path. "EXE_FILES" will be the files in "bin/" or "script/" which is executable. "META_MERGE" will use data from "bugtracker", "homepage" and"repository". * my-app/ or my-app/Changes The Changes file will be updated with the correct timestamp, from when you ran the "build" action. The Changes file will also be the source for "next_version". Both "" and "Changes" are valid sources. * my-app/README Will be updated with the main module documentation using the command below: $ perldoc -tT $main_module_path > README; If you don't like this format, you can create "" instead. The presense of that file will prevent "my-app/README" from getting generated. * my-app/lib/My/ This file will be updated with version number from the Changes file. * .gitignore and MANIFEST.SKIP Unless these files exist, they will be generated from a template which skip the most common files. The default content of these files might change over time if new temp files are created by new editors or some other formats come along. * t/00-basic.t Unless this file exists, it will be created with a test for checking that your modules can compile and that the POD is correct. The file can be customized afterwards and will not be overwritten. SYNOPSIS Existing project # Set up .ship config and basic repo files $ cd my-project $ git ship start # make changes $ $EDITOR lib/My/ # build first if you want to investigate the changes $ git ship build # ship the project to git (and CPAN) $ git ship New project $ git ship -h $ git start My/ $ cd my-project # make changes $ $EDITOR lib/My/ # build first if you want to investigate the changes $ git ship build # ship the project to git (and CPAN) $ git ship Git aliases # git build $ git config --global = ship build # git cl $ git config --global = ship clean # git start # git start My/ $ git config --global alias.start = ship start For developer package App::git::ship::some_language; use App::git::ship -base; # define attributes has some_attribute => sub { my $self = shift; return "default value"; }; # override the methods defined in App::git::ship sub build { my $self = shift; } 1; CONFIG "App::git::ship" automatically generates a config file when you "start" a new project. * bugtracker URL to the bugtracker for this project. * build_test_options This holds the arguments for the test program to use when building the project. The default is to not automatically run the tests. Example value: build_test_options = -l -j4 * class This class is used to build the object that runs all the actions on your project. This is autodetected by looking at the structure and files in your project. For now this value can be App::git::ship or App::git::ship::perl, but any customization is allowed. * homepage URL to the home page for this project. * license The name of the license to use. Defaults to "artistic_2". * new_version_format This is optional, but specifies the version format in your "Changes" file. The example below will result in "## 0.42 (2014-01-28)". new_version_format = \#\# %v (%F) "%v" will be replaced by the version, while the format arguments are passed on to "strftime" in POSIX. The default is "%-7v %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y". * project_name This name is extracted from either the "main_module_path" in App::git::ship::perl or defaults to "unknown" if no project name could be found. Example: project_name = My::App * Comments Comments are made by adding the hash symbol (#) followed by text. If you want to use the "#" as a value, it need to be escaped using "\#". Examples: # This whole line is skipped parameter = 123 # The end of this line is skipped parameter = some \# value with hash * Hooks It is possible to add hooks to the "CONFIG" file. These hooks are programs that runs in your shell. Example .ship file with hooks: before_build = bash script/ after_build = rm -r lib/My/App/templates lib/My/App/public after_ship = cat Changes | mail -s "Changes for My::App" Possible hook are "before_build", "after_build", "before_ship" and "after_ship". ATTRIBUTES config $hash_ref = $self->config; Holds the configuration from end user. The config is by default read from ".ship.conf" in the root of your project. next_version $str = $self->next_version; Holds the next version to "ship". project_name $str = $self->project_name; Holds the name of the current project. This attribute can be read from "config". repository $str = $self->repository; Returns the URL to the first repository that point to "origin". This attribute can be read from "config". silent $bool = $self->silent; $self = $self->silent($bool); Set this to true if you want less logging. By default it silent is false. METHODS abort $self->abort($str); $self->abort($format, @args); Will abort the application run with an error message. attr $class = $class->attr($name => sub { my $self = shift; return $default_value }); or ... use App::git::ship -base; has $name => sub { my $self = shift; return $default_value }; Used to create an attribute with a lazy builder. build This method builds the project. The default behavior is to "abort". Need to be overridden in the subclass. can_handle_project $bool = $class->can_handle_project($file); This method is called by "detect" in App::git::ship and should return boolean true if this module can handle the given git project. This is a class method which gets a file as input to detect or have to auto-detect from current working directory. detect $class = $self->detect; $class = $self->detect($file); Will detect the module which can be used to build the project. This can be read from the "class" key in "config" or will in worse case default to App::git::ship. run_hook $self->run_hook($name); Used to run a hook before or after an event. The hook is a command which needs to be defined in the config file. Example config line parameter: before_build = echo foo > bar.txt new $self = $class->new(%attributes); Creates a new instance of $class. render $self->render($file, \%args); Used to render a template by the name $file to a $file. The template need to be defined in the "DATA" section of the current class or one of the super classes. ship This method ships the project to some online repository. The default behavior is to make a new tag and push it to "origin". start This method is called when initializing the project. The default behavior is to populate "config" with default data: * bugtracker URL to the bug tracker. Will be the the "repository" URL without ".git", but with "/issues" at the end instead. * homepage URL to the project homepage. Will be the the "repository" URL, without ".git". * license The name of the license. Default to artistic_2 . See "license" in CPAN::Meta::Spec for alternatives. system $self->system($program, @args); Same as perl's "system()", but provides error handling and logging. test_coverage This method check test coverage for the project. The default behavior is to "abort". Need to be overridden in the subclass. import use App::git::ship; use App::git::ship -base; Called when this class is used. It will automatically enable strict, warnings, utf8 and Perl 5.10 features. "-base" will also make sure the calling class inherit from App::git::ship and gets the has function. SEE ALSO * Dist::Zilla This project can probably get you to the moon. * Minilla This looks really nice for shipping your project. It has the same idea as this distribution: Guess as much as possible. * Shipit One magical tool for doing it all in one bang. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2014, Jan Henning Thorsen This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - ""