NAME Convos - Multiuser IRC proxy with web interface VERSION 0.3001 DESCRIPTION Convos is to a multi-user IRC Proxy, that also provides a easy to use Web interface. Feature list: * Always online The backend server will keep you logged in and logs all the activity in your archive. * Archive All chats will be logged and indexed, which allow you to search in earlier conversations. * Avatars The chat contains profile pictures which can be retrieved from Facebook or from * Include external resources Links to images and video will be displayed inline. No need to click on the link to view the data. Running convos Convos has sane defaults so after installing Convos you should be able to just run it: # Install $ cpanm Convos # Run it $ convos backend & $ convos daemon The above works, but if you have a lot of users you probably want to use hypnotoad instead of "daemon": $ hypnotoad $(which convos) The command above will start a full featured, UNIX optimized, preforking non-blocking webserver. Run the same command again, and the webserver will hot reload the source code without loosing any connections. Configuration You can also customize the config by setting "MOJO_CONFIG" before running any of the commands above. Example: $ MOJO_CONFIG=$HOME/.convos.conf convos daemon You can use as config file template. Architecture principles * Keep the JS simple and manageable * Use Redis to manage state / publish subscribe * Archive logs in plain text format, use ack to search them. * Bootstrap-based user interface RESOURCES * Homepage: * Project page: * Icon: * Logo: SEE ALSO * Convos::Archive Mojolicious controller for IRC logs. * Convos::Client Mojolicious controller for IRC chat. * Convos::User Mojolicious controller for user data. * Convos::Core Backend functionality. ATTRIBUTES archive Holds a Convos::Core::Archive object. cache Holds a Mojolicious::Static object pointing to a cache dir. The directory is "/tmp/convos" by default. core Holds a Convos::Core object. backend_pid The pid for the backend process, if running embedded. METHODS startup This method will run once at server start COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Nordaaker. This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - "" Marcus Ramberg - ""