NAME Mandel - Async model layer for MongoDB objects using Mango SYNOPSIS package MyModel; use Mandel; package MyModel::Person; use Mandel::Document; field [qw( name age )]; has_many cats => 'MyModel::Cat'; has_one favorite_cat => 'MyModel::Cat'; package main; my $connection = MyModel->new(uri => "mongodb://localhost/my_db"); my $persons = $connection->collection('person'); my $p1 = $persons->create({ name => 'Bruce', age => 30 }); $p1->save(sub { my($p1, $err) = @_; }); $persons->count(sub { my($persons, $n_persons) = @_; }); $persons->all(sub { my($persons, $err, $objs) = @_; for my $p (@$objs) { $p->age(25)->save(sub {}); } }); $persons->search({ name => 'Bruce' })->single(sub { my($persons, $err, $person) = @_; $person->cats(sub { my($person, $err, $cats) = @_; $_->remove(sub {}) for @$cats; }); $person->remove(sub { my($person, $err) = @_; }); }); DESCRIPTION THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE! THE API MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME! PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS OR FEEDBACK. Mandel is an async object-document-mapper. It allows you to work with your MongoDB documents in Perl as objects. This class binds it all together: * Mandel::Model An object modelling a document. * Mandel::Collection A collection of Mandel documents. * Mandel::Document A single MongoDB document with logic. ATTRIBUTES Mandel inherits all attributes from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones. mango An instance of Mango which acts as the database connection. If not provided, one will be lazily created using the "uri" attribute. namespaces The namespaces which will be searched when looking for Types. By default, the (sub)class name of this module. uri The uri used by Mango to connect to the MongoDB server. IMPORTANT! It requires the database to be part of the URI. Example: mongodb://localhost/my_database_name METHODS Mandel inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones. initialize $self->initialize(@names); $self->initialize; Takes a list of document names. Calls the "initialize" in Mango::Document method on any document given as input. @names default to "all_document_names" unless specified. all_document_names @names = $self->all_document_names; Returns a list of all the documents in the "namespaces". class_for $document_class = $self->class_for($name); Given a document name, find the related class name, ensure that it is loaded (or else die) and return it. collection $collection_obj = $self->collection($name); Returns a Mango::Collection object. model $model = $self->model($name); $self = $self->model($name => \%model_args); $self = $self->model($name => $model_obj); Define or returns a Mandel::Model object. Will die unless a model is registered by that name or "class_for" returns a class which has the "model()" method defined. import See "SYNOPSIS". SEE ALSO Mojolicious, Mango SOURCE REPOSITORY AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - "" This project is a fork of MangoModel , created by Joel Berger, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2013 by Jan Henning Thorsen This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.