NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Shotwell - View photos from Shotwell database VERSION 0.0403 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Lite; # allow /shotwell/... resources to be protected by login my $protected = under '/shotwell' => sub { my $c = shift; return 1 if $c->session('username') or $c->shotwell_access_granted; $c->render('login'); return 0; }; plugin shotwell => { dbname => '/home/username/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db', routes => { default => $protected, permalink => app->routes->get('/:permalink'), # not protected } }; app->start; This module can also be tested from command line if you have the defaults set up: $ perl -Mojo -e'plugin "shotwell"; app->start' daemon DESCRIPTION This plugin provides actions which can render data from a Shotwell database: * Events See "events" and "event". * Tags See "tags" and "tag". * Thumbnails See "thumb". * Photos See "show" and "raw". ATTRIBUTES cache_dir Path to where all the scaled/rotated images gets stored. Defaults to "/tmp/shotwell". This can be overridden in "register": $self->register($app, { cache_dir => '/some/path' }); dsn Returns argument for "connect" in DBI. Default is dbi:SQLite:dbname=$HOME/.local/share/shotwell/data/photo.db $HOME is the "HOME" environment variable. The default dsn can be overridden by either giving "dsn" or "dbname" to "register". Example: $self->register($app, { dbname => $path_to_db_file }); sizes The size of the photos generated by "raw" and "thumb". Default is: { inline => [ 1024, 0 ], # 0 = scale thumb => [ 100, 100 ], } This can be overridden in "register": $self->register($app, { sizes => { thumb => [200, 200], ... } }); ACTIONS events Default route: "/". Render data from EventTable. Data is rendered as JSON or defaults to a template by the name "templates/shotwell/events.html.ep". JSON data: [ { id => $int, name => $str, time_created => $epoch, url => $shotwell_event_url, }, ... ] The JSON data is also available in the template as $events. event Default route: "/event/:id/:name". Render photos from PhotoTable, by a given event id. Data is rendered as JSON or defaults to a template by the name "templates/shotwell/event.html.ep". JSON data: [ { id => $int, size => $int, title => $str, raw => $shotwell_raw_url, thumb => $shotwell_thumb_url, url => $shotwell_show_url, }, ... ] The JSON data is also available in the template as $photos. permalink Default route: "/:permalink". Will either render the same as "show" or "event", dependent on the type of permalink. permalink_delete Default route: "/:permalink/delete". Used to delete a permalink from backend. tags Default route: "/tags". Render data from TagTable. Data is rendered as JSON or defaults to a template by the name "templates/shotwell/tags.html.ep". JSON data: [ { name => $str, url => $shotwell_tag_url, }, ... ] The JSON data is also available in the template as $tags. tag Default route: "/tag/:name". Render photos from PhotoTable, by a given tag name. Data is rendered as JSON or defaults to a template by the name "templates/shotwell/tag.html.ep". The JSON data is the same as for "event". raw Default route: "/raw/:id/*basename". Render raw photo. show Default route: "/show/:id/*basename". Render a template with an photo inside. The name of the template is "templates/shotwell/show.html.ep". The stash data is the same as one element described for "event" JSON data. thumb Default route: "/thumb/:id/*basename". Render photo as a thumbnail. HELPERS shotwell_access_granted $bool = $c->shotwell_access_granted; Returns true if the session contains a valid permalink id. METHODS register $self->register($app, \%config); Set "ATTRIBUTES" and register "ACTIONS" in the Mojolicious application. DATABASE SCHEME EventTable id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, primary_photo_id INTEGER, time_created INTEGER,primary_source_id TEXT, comment TEXT PhotoTable id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, filename TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, filesize INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, exposure_time INTEGER, orientation INTEGER, original_orientation INTEGER, import_id INTEGER, event_id INTEGER, transformations TEXT, md5 TEXT, thumbnail_md5 TEXT, exif_md5 TEXT, time_created INTEGER, flags INTEGER DEFAULT 0, rating INTEGER DEFAULT 0, file_format INTEGER DEFAULT 0, title TEXT, backlinks TEXT, time_reimported INTEGER, editable_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, metadata_dirty INTEGER DEFAULT 0, developer TEXT, develop_shotwell_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, develop_camera_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, develop_embedded_id INTEGER DEFAULT -1, comment TEXT TagTable id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, photo_id_list TEXT, time_created INTEGER AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - ""