NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::UrlWith - Preserve parts of the url VERSION 0.02 DESCRIPTION This helper provides the same method as "url_for" in Mojolicious::Controller with the difference that it keeps the query string. SYNOPSIS package MyApp; sub startup { my $self = shift; $self->plugin('Mojolicious::Plugin::UrlWith'); # ... } HELPERS url_with The examples below has this current request url: "". $controller->url_with({ name => 'bob' }); Will result in "". $controller->url_with({ page => undef }); Will result in "". $controller->url_with('named', { age => 42 }); Will result in "". $controller->url_with('/path', { random => 24 }); Will result in "". link_with Same as "link_to" in Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers, but use "url_with" instead of "url_to" in Mojolicious::Controller to construct the hyper reference. METHODS register Will register the methods under "HELPERS". COPYRIGHT & LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen