NAME SNMP::Effective - An effective SNMP-information-gathering module VERSION This document refers to version 1.06 of SNMP::Effective. SYNOPSIS use SNMP::Effective; my $snmp = SNMP::Effective->new( max_sessions => $NUM_POLLERS, master_timeout => $TIMEOUT_SECONDS, ); $snmp->add( dest_host => $ip, callback => sub { store_data() }, get => [ '', 'sysDescr' ], ); # lather, rinse, repeat # retrieve data from all hosts $snmp->execute; DESCRIPTION This module collects information, over SNMP, from many hosts and many OIDs, really fast. It is a wrapper around the facilities of "", which is the Perl interface to the C libraries in the "SNMP" package. Advantages of using this module include: Simple configuration The data structures required by "SNMP" are complex to set up before polling, and parse for results afterwards. This module provides a simpler interface to that configuration by accepting just a list of SNMP OIDs or leaf names. Parallel execution Many users are not aware that "SNMP" can poll devices asynchronously using a callback system. By specifying your callback routine as in the "SYNOPSIS" section above, many network devices can be polled in parallel, making operations far quicker. Note that this does not use threads. It's fast To give one example, "SNMP::Effective" can walk, say, eight indexed OIDs (port status, errors, traffic, etc) for around 300 devices (that's 8500 ports) in under 30 seconds. Storage of that data might take an additional 10 seconds (depending on whether it's to RAM or disk). This makes polling/monitoring your network every five minutes (or less) no problem at all. The interface to this module is simple, with few options. The sections below detail everything you need to know. METHODS ARGUMENTS The method arguments are very flexible. Any of the below acts as the same: $obj->method(MyKey => $value); $obj->method(my_key => $value); $obj->method(My_Key => $value); $obj->method(mYK__EY => $value); METHODS "new" This is the object constructor, and returns an SNMP::Effective object. Arguments "max_sessions" Maximum number of simultaneous SNMP sessions. "mastertimeout" Maximum number of seconds before killing execute. All other arguments are passed on to $snmp_effective->add( ... ). "add" Adding information about what SNMP data to get and where to get it. Arguments "dest_host" Either a single host, or an array-ref that holds a list of hosts. The format is whatever "SNMP" can handle. "arg" A hash-ref of options, passed on to SNMP::Session. "callback" A reference to a sub which is called after each time a request is finished. "heap" This can hold anything you want. By default it's an empty hash-ref. "get" / "getnext" / "walk" Either "oid object", "numeric oid", SNMP::Varbind SNMP::VarList or an array-ref containing any combination of the above. "set" Either a single SNMP::Varbind or a SNMP::VarList or an array-ref of any of the above. This can be called with many different combinations, such as: "dest_host" / any other argument This will make changes per dest_host specified. You can use this to change arg, callback or add OIDs on a per-host basis. "get" / "getnext" / "walk" / "set" The OID list submitted to "add()" will be added to all dest_host, if no dest_host is specified. "arg" / "callback" This can be used to alter all hosts' SNMP arguments or callback method. "execute" This method starts setting and/or getting data. It will run as long as necessary, or until "master_timeout" seconds has passed. Every time some data is set and/or retrieved, it will call the callback-method, as defined globally or per host. "master_timeout" Get/Set the master timeout "max_sessions" Get/Set the number of max session "log" This returns the Log4perl object that is used for logging: $self->log->warn("log this message!"); "hostlist" Returns a list containing all the hosts. "arg" Returns a hash with the default args "callback" Returns a ref to the default callback sub-routine. FUNCTIONS "make_name_oid" Takes a list of numeric OIDs and turns them into an mib-object string. make_name_oid(""); # return sysDescr "make_numeric_oid" Inverse of make_numeric_oid: Takes a list of mib-object strings, and turns them into numeric format. make_numeric_oid("sysDescr"); # return . "match_oid" Takes two arguments: One OID to match against, and the OID to match. match_oid("", "1.3.6"); # return 10 match_oid("", "1.3.6"); # return 10.1 match_oid("", ""); # return undef The callback method When "SNMP" is done collecting data from a host, it calls a callback method, provided by the "Callback => sub{}" argument. Here is an example of a callback method: sub my_callback { my($host, $error) = @_ if($error) { warn "$host failed with this error: $error" return; } my $data = $host->data; for my $oid (keys %$data) { print "$host returned oid $oid with this data:\n"; print join "\n\t", map { "$_ => $data->{$oid}{$_}" } keys %{ $data->{$oid}{$_} }; print "\n"; } } DEBUGGING Debugging is enabled through Log::Log4perl. If nothing else is spesified, it will default to "error" level, and print to STDERR. The component-name you want to change is "SNMP::Effective", inless this module ins inherited. NOTES "walk" SNMP::Effective doesn't really do a SNMP native "walk". It makes a series of "getnext", which is almost the same as SNMP's walk. "set" If you want to use SNMP SET, you have to build your own varbind: $varbind = SNMP::VarBind($oid, $iid, $value, $type); $effective->add( set => $varbind ); TODO Improve debugging support DEPENDENCIES In addition to the contents of the standard Perl distribution, this module requires the following: "Log::Log4perl" By default the level of reporting is set to "error" and will be directed to "STDERR". "SNMP" Note that this is not the same as "Net::SNMP" on the CPAN. You want the "SNMP" CPAN distribution or the "SNMP" distribution. "Time::HiRes" Perl versions greater than 5.7.3 are supplied with this module. "Tie::Array" Perl versions greater than 5.5.0 are supplied with this module. "constant" and "overload" Perl versions greater than 5.4.0 will have these modules. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-snmp-effective at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc SNMP::Effective You can also look for information at: * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * RT: CPAN's request tracker * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Various contributions by Oliver Gorwits. Sigurd Weisteen Larsen contributed with a better locking mechanism. COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2007 Jan Henning Thorsen, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.