NAME Toadfarm - One Mojolicious app to rule them all VERSION 0.02 SYNOPSIS Production You can start the application by running: $ toadfarm myconfig.conf; "myconfig.conf" should contain a list with the application you want to run and a set of HTTP headers to act on. Example: { apps => [ 'My::App' => { 'X-Request-Base' => '', }, '/path/to/my-app' => { 'Host' => '', }, ], } The config above will run "My::App" when the "X-Request-Base" header is set to "". Or it will pass the request on to "My::Other::App" if the "Host" header is set to "". NOTE: "X-Request-Base" is a special header: Normally the route object will be attached to the route object of the Toadfarm route object. This does not happen with the "X-Request-Base" header. NOTE: The apps are processed in the order they are defined. This means that the first app that match will be executed. Debug It is possible to start the server in foreground as well: $ MOJO_CONFIG=myconfig.conf toadfarm prefork $ MOJO_CONFIG=myconfig.conf toadfarm daemon See other options by running: $ toadfarm -h DESCRIPTION This application can be used to load other Mojolicious apps inside one app. This could be useful if you want to save memory or instances on dotcloud or heroku. CONFIG FILE Additional config params. { apps => [...], # See SYNOPSIS hypnotoad => { listen => ['http://*:1234'], workers => 12, # ... }, plugins => [ MojoPlugin => CONFIG, ], } See "SETTINGS" in Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad for more "hypnotoad" settings. "plugins" can be used to load plugins into Toadfarm. The plugins are loaded after the "apps" are loaded. They will receive the "CONFIG" as the third argument: sub register { my($self, $app, CONFIG) = @_; # ... } METHODS startup This method will read the "MOJO_CONFIG" and mount the applications specified. AUTHOR Jan Henning Thorsen - ""