NAME Class::WeakSingleton - A Singleton that expires when all the references to it expire SYNOPSIS use Class::WeakSingleton; { my $c = Class::WeakSingleton->instance; my $d = Class::WeakSingleton->instance; die "Mismatch" if $c != $d; } # Class::WeakSingleton->instance expires { my $e = Class::WeakSingleton->instance; { my $f = Class::WeakSingleton->instance; die "Mismatch" if $e != $f; } } # Class::WeakSingleton->instance expires DESCRIPTION This is the Class::WeakSingleton module. A Singleton describes an object class that can have only one instance in any system. An example of a Singleton might be a print spooler, system registry or database connection. A "weak" Singleton is not immortal and expires when all other references to the original instance have expired. This module implements a Singleton class from which other classes can be derived, just like Class::Singleton. By itself, the Class::WeakSingleton module does very little other than manage the instantiation of a single object. In deriving a class from Class::WeakSingleton, your module will inherit the Singleton instantiation method and can implement whatever specific functionality is required. For a description and discussion of the Singleton class, see the Class::Singleton manpage and "Design Patterns", Gamma et al, Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-63361-2. PREREQUISITES Class::WeakSingleton requires Scalar::Util with the weaken() function. USING THE CLASS::WEAKSINGLETON MODULE To import and use the Class::WeakSingleton module the following line should appear in your Perl script: use Class::WeakSingleton; The instance() method is used to create a new Class::WeakSingleton instance, or return a reference to an existing instance. Using this method, it is only possible to have a single instance of the class in any system at any given time. The instance expires when all references to it also expire. { my $highlander = Class::WeakSingleton->instance(); Assuming that no Class::WeakSingleton object currently exists, this first call to instance() will create a new Class::WeakSingleton and return a reference to it. Future invocations of instance() will return the same reference. my $macleod = Class::WeakSingleton->instance(); } In the above example, both $highlander and $macleod contain the same reference to a Class::Weakingleton instance. There can be only one. Except that now that both $highlander and $macleod went out of scope the singleton did also. So MacLeod is now dead. Boo hoo. DERIVING WEAKSINGLETON CLASSES A module class may be derived from Class::WeakSingleton and will inherit the instance() method that correctly instantiates only one object. package Database; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Class::WeakSingleton); # derived class specific code sub user_name { $_[0]->{user_name} } sub login { my $self = shift; my ($user_name, $user_password) = @_; # ... $self->{user_name} = $user_name; 1; } The Database class defined above could be used as follows: use Database; do_somestuff(); do_somestuff(); sub do_somestuff { my $db = Database->instance(); $db->login(...); } The instance() method calls the _new_instance() constructor method the first and only time a new instance is created (until the instance expires and then it starts over). All parameters passed to the instance() method are forwarded to _new_instance(). In the base class this method returns a blessed reference to an empty hash array. Derived classes may redefine it to provide specific object initialisation or change the underlying object type (to a array reference, for example). package MyApp::Database; use vars qw( $ERROR ); use base qw( Class::WeakSingleton ); use DBI; $ERROR = ''; # this only gets called the first time instance() is called sub _new_instance { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { }, $class; my $db = shift || "myappdb"; my $host = shift || "localhost"; unless (defined ($self->{ DB } = DBI->connect("DBI:mSQL:$db:$host"))) { $ERROR = "Cannot connect to database: $DBI::errstr\n"; # return failure; return undef; } # any other initialisation... # return sucess $self; } The above example might be used as follows: use MyApp::Database; Some time later on in a module far, far away... package MyApp::FooBar use MyApp::Database; sub new { # usual stuff... # this FooBar object needs access to the database; the Singleton # approach gives a nice wrapper around global variables. # new instance is returned my $database = MyApp::Database->instance(); # more stuff... # call some methods } sub some_methods { # more usual stuff # Get the same object that is used in new() my $database = MyApp::Database->instance; } The Class::WeakSingleton instance() method uses a package variable to store a reference to any existing instance of the object. This variable, "_instance", is coerced into the derived class package rather than the base class package. Thus, in the MyApp::Database example above, the instance variable would be: $MyApp::Database::_instance; This allows different classes to be derived from Class::WeakSingleton that can co-exist in the same system, while still allowing only one instance of any one class to exists. For example, it would be possible to derive both 'Database' and 'MyApp::Database' from Class::WeakSingleton and have a single instance of *each* in a system, rather than a single instance of *either*. AUTHOR Joshua b. Jore "" Thanks to Andy Wardley for writing Class::Singleton. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003 Joshua b. Jore. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the term of the Perl Artistic License. SEE ALSO the Class::Singleton manpage Design Patterns Class::WeakSingleton is an implementation of the Singleton class described in "Design Patterns", Gamma et al, Addison-Wesley, 1995, ISBN 0-201-63361-2