README for DateTimeX::Subspan::Weekly DateTimeX::Subspan::Weekly - Determine whether event falls within weekly recurring range use DateTimeX::Subspan::Weekly qw( in_range ); $rv = in_range( { starting_date => $starting_date, # Hash ref range => $range_ref, # Hash ref target => $dt, # DateTime object } ); Suppose that a 'week' can begin at an arbitrarily chosen day of the week and time of day. Suppose further that that week can be divided into two subspans: one in which an event is permitted to occur, and the other in which the event is not permitted to occur. DateTimeX::Subspan::Weekly provides functions to determine a particular date falls in the permitted range or not. Call 'perldoc lib/DateTimeX/Subspan/' for more documentation. You can install this module with: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'.