NAME XML::Chain - chained way of manipulating and inspecting XML documents SYNOPSIS use XML::Chain qw(xc); # basics my $div = xc('div', class => 'pretty') ->c('h1')->t('hello') ->up ->c('p', class => 'intro')->t('world!'); say $div->as_string; #



DESCRIPTION ☢ at this moment XML::Chain is in early prototype phase ☢ This module provides fast and easy way to create and manipulate XML elements via set of chained method calls. EXPORTS xc Exported factory method creating new XML::Chain::Selector object with a document element as provided in parameters. For example: my $icon = xc('i', class => 'icon-download icon-white'); # See "c, append_and_current" in XML::Chain::Selector for the element parameter description and "CHAINED METHODS" in XML::Chain::Selector for methods of returned object. xc($name, @attrs) scalar with 1+ arguments Element with $name will be create as document element and @attrs will be added to it in the same order. In case of hash reference passed as argument, key + values will be set as attributes, in alphabetical sorted key name order. xc($xml_libxml_ref) In case of XML::LibXML, it will be set as document element. xc($what_ref) Any other reference will be passed to "slurp($what)" in IO::Any which will be then parsed by "load_xml" in XML::LibXML and result set as document element. say xc([$tmp_dir, 't01.xml'])->as_string say xc(\'



') ->find('//h1')->count xc($scalar) Element with $scalar will be create as document element. say xc('body'); CHAINED METHODS, METHODS and ELEMENT METHODS See XML::Chain::Selector and XML::Chain::Element. CHAINED DOCUMENT METHODS xc('body')->t('save me')->set_io_any([$tmp_dir, 't01.xml'])->store; # $tmp_dir/t01.xml file no consists of: save me xc([$tmp_dir, 't01.xml'])->empty->c('div')->t('updated')->store; # $tmp_dir/t01.xml file no consists of:
set_io_any Store $what of IO::Any for future use with -store() > store Calls IO::Any-spew($io_any, $self->as_string, {atomic => 1}) > to save XML back it it's original file of the the target set via set_io_any. TODO - partial/special tidy (on elements inside xml) - per ->data() storage - setting and handling namespaces and elements with ns prefixes - ~ton of selectors and manipulators to be added CONTRIBUTORS & CREDITS Initially inspired by Strophe.Builder, then also by jQuery. The following people have contributed to the XML::Chain by committing their code, sending patches, reporting bugs, asking questions, suggesting useful advice, nitpicking, chatting on IRC or commenting on my blog (in no particular order): Mohammad S Anwar you? Also thanks to my current day-job-employer BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests via AUTHOR Jozef Kutej COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2017 Jozef Kutej, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.