Tangram is an object-relational mapper. It makes objects persist in relational databases, and provides powerful facilities for retrieving and filtering them. Tangram fully supports object-oriented programming, including polymorphism, multiple inheritance and collections. It does so in an orthogonal fashion, that is, it doesn't require your classes to implement support functions nor inherit from a utility class. Tangram builds upon DBI, so you'll need to install DBI and at least one DBD driver if that is not done already. You will also need Set::Object. These modules are available from CPAN. If you intend to run the regression tests (recommended), you will also need to prepare an empty database before starting the installation procedure. For more information, see the included POD files. RELEASE NOTES 0.09 - split Tangram.pm into several modules - replaced @ISA with 'use base' - replaced default typetags with automounting - prefetch now takes either class or remote - implemented prefetch for IntrArray and IntrSet *::prefetch still need real-life testing, especially when class(coll) <> class(item) 0.08 - second public alpha release 0.03 - first public alpha release Jean-Louis Leroy - jll@skynet.be