NAME Catalyst::Plugin::ExternalURI - Rewrite URLs generated with uri_for VERSION Version 0.001 SYNOPSIS Include ExternalURI in your Catalyst Plugin list to activate it In use Catalyst qw/ ... ExternalURI ... /; In MyApps configuration: __PACKAGE__->config( externaluri => [ # Converts urls with the form of /static/css to start with another domain name { '^/static' => '' }, ... { 'MATCH' => 'REWRITE' } or { match => '^/static', rewrite => '' }, ] ); DESCRIPTION This plugin helps you rewrite the URLs generated by "uri_for" (and "uri_for_action") so they can point to different domains (not necesarily hosted by your application). USE CASES Enable static content to be hosted in external services If you upload your resources to services like Amazon S3, CloudFiles, or CDNs you can easily change the appropiate urls in your application to point to the resources on that provider. { '^/static/' => '' } # $c->uri_for('/static/css/main.css') gets converted into # Enable parallel download of resources Since your pages now point to various domains, your browser will open parallel connections to those domains (enabling faster pages loads). Try splitting images, js and css to load from different domains. { '^/static/css/' => '' }, { '^/static/js/' => '' }, # $c->uri_for('/static/css/main.css') gets converted into # # $c->uri_for('/static/js/framework.js') gets converted into # Avoid cache problems You can prefix a version number to all your static URLs. That way, when you deploy, you can point all your static contents to fresh, new, uncached versions of your files. { '^/static' => '' } # $c->uri_for('/static/js/framework.js') gets converted into # Configuration The "externaluri" key of the configuration has to contain an ARRAY of RULES. Each call to uri_for will evaluate the RULES in the configuration of the plugin. Each rule is a hashref that has the form of: { 'REGEX' => 'REWRITE' } or { match => 'REGEX', rewrite => 'REWRITE' [, continue => 1 ] } Each rules match is evaluated against the uri that is passed to "uri_for". When a key matches the uri, the REWRITE gets applied, and evaluation of rules is interrupted, unless stated in the rule with a "continue" key with a value of 1. REWRITE rules force specific portions of a url to their specification: "https://" Forces the scheme part of the URL to be https. All other elements are unchanged "" Will force the scheme to http, and the host part of the URL to "/v3" Will force a prefix in the path of the URL "" Will force scheme to http, change the host, and prefix the URI part with /v1 CAVEAT Be specific with your matches '/static' will match uris like '/im/not/static'. This is supported, but it may not be what you meant to do. You probably meant '^/static' AUTHOR Jose Luis Martinez (JLMARTIN) Miquel Ruiz (MRUIZ) COPYRIGHT