DBIx::Schema -------------- This module helps abstract the process of working with complex schemas of relational SQL database tables. As with DBI, it lets you work with data a row at a time, but gives you the extra ability to, with a single method call, reach across and grab rows of related data from tables located elsewhere in your database, without having to construct an SQL join clause yourself. The 'distance' from the originating table to the related one can be arbitrarily long, so long as they are related in some way -- i.e., could both return data through a single (though perhaps quite lengthy) SQL query. COPYRIGHT --------- (C) Copyright 2000 The Maine InternetWorks, Inc This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. PREREQUISITES ------------- DBI (and a working DBD driver of course) DBIx::Abstract All of the above are available from CPAN. HOW TO BUILD ------------ perl Makefile.PL make make test HOW TO INSTALL -------------- make install