.bbmoooxxxooommb. .bmoooxx...xxooobb. .bbmoxxxxxxxxxxxomb.. .bmooxxbbmmmbbxxoomb. .bmxx.bbmooombb.xxmb . _ bmxox.bmooxoomb.xoxmb. __ _____ _ __ ___ | |__ bxxx.bmoox.xoomb.xxxb. \ \/ / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \xmox.bmox.@.xomb.xomx. _ > < (_) | | | | | | |_) xmox.bmoox.xoomb.xomx (_)_/\_\___/|_| |_| |_|_.__/bmoox.bmooxoomb.xoombx x.bmox.bbmooombb.xomb x x .bmoox.bbmmmbb.xoomb x x .bbmoxx..bbb..xxomb x x .bmoooxx...xxooobb x x .bbmoooxxxooommb .x x ..bmmmooooommbb . x ..bbmmmmmbb . x ..bbbbbb . x . . x . .. x . . x . . xx . . Know then on Minos III sacred to Mars do grow the spawn of Cadmus from afar as towers tall, monoliths for Clotho to spread as she would. The Xarci Bedo we call this foe. Do you now seek the stone below of Dragon born to call your own? Xomb is a terminal-based roguelike. Assuming that the development tools (C99 support is required), perl, App::cpanminus, and optionally local::lib are installed and setup in a suitable terminal install and run the game via: cpanm Game::Xomb xomb NOTE the 7DRL 2020 version is 1.00; anything released after that is post-challenge fixes and improvements. The 7DRL version may be installed via: cpanm JMATES/Game-Xomb-1.00.tar.gz Documentation is available in xomb(1) or by running: perldoc xomb For the source code, see: https://github.com/thrig/Game-Xomb This can be built and installed (chasing dependencies): git clone https://github.com/thrig/Game-Xomb cd Game-Xomb cpanm . or without dependencies the manual old fashioned way: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install and new releases may be authored along the lines of: git tag -u ... -s v... git push github master RELEASE_TESTING=1 TEST_SIGNATURE=1 ./Build disttest RELEASE_TESTING=1 TEST_SIGNATURE=1 ./Build dist cpan-upload ... ./Build realclean If the same directory is shared between different systems the build tree may need to be rebuilt: perl Build.PL ./Build realclean