====================================================================== NAME Spreadsheet::WriteExcel - Write formatted text and numbers to a cross-platform Excel binary file. ====================================================================== DESCRIPTION The Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module can be used to create a cross- platform Excel binary file. Multiple worksheets can be added to a workbook and formatting can be applied to cells. Text, numbers, formulas, hyperlinks and images can be written to the cells. TThe Excel file produced by this module is compatible with 97, 2000, 2002 and 2003. The module will work on the majority of Windows, UNIX and Macintosh platforms. Generated files are also compatible with the spreadsheet applications Gnumeric and OpenOffice.org. The generated files are not compatible with MS Access. This module cannot be used to read an Excel file. See Spreadsheet::ParseExcel or look at the main documentation for some suggestions. This module cannot be uses to write to an existing Excel file. ====================================================================== SYNOPSIS To write a string, a formatted string, a number and a formula to the first worksheet in an Excel workbook called perl.xls: use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; # Create a new Excel workbook my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("perl.xls"); # Add a worksheet $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(); # Add and define a format $format = $workbook->add_format(); # Add a format $format->set_bold(); $format->set_color('red'); $format->set_align('center'); # Write a formatted and unformatted string, row and column notation. $col = $row = 0; $worksheet->write($row, $col, "Hi Excel!", $format); $worksheet->write(1, $col, "Hi Excel!"); # Write a number and a formula using A1 notation $worksheet->write('A3', 1.2345); $worksheet->write('A4', '=SIN(PI()/4)'); ====================================================================== REQUIREMENTS This module requires Perl 5.005 (or later), Parse::RecDescent and File::Temp: http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=Parse-RecDescent/ http://search.cpan.org/search?dist=File-Temp/ ====================================================================== INSTALLATION See the INSTALL file for details. ====================================================================== AUTHOR John McNamara (jmcnamara@cpan.org)