Games::Die =========== Version: 0.04 Overview: This module simulates rolling a die. Also included is Games::Die::Dice which provides a union of an arbitrary number of dice wihch may be rolled together, as a group. License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Example: use Games::Die; $die = new Games::Die(6); # a single 6-sided die $value = $die->roll; use Games::Die::Dice; $dice = new Games::Die::Dice(8, 8); # a pair of 8-sided dice @values = $dice->roll; # get rolls from each die $dice2 = new Games::Die::Dice("2d8+1"); # pair of 8-sided dice, # with a +1 adjustment $sum = $dice2->roll; # get sum of both dice, # including the adjustment $dice3 = new Games::Die::Dice(5,17,42); # !??? Todo: - error checking (numeric validation on constructor params, mainly) - a way to get at the individual dice in a G::D::D set (perhaps a contents() or elements() method that returns them all in a list?) Authors: Andrew Burke Jeremy Muhlich (CPANID: JMUHLICH) Thanks to: Dave Ranney Finding the stupid minus-one bug in roll() in 0.03 Thomas R. Sibley Pointing out the poor roll() implementation in 0.02 Ricardo Signes +/- modifiers for "d" representation