Net::EMI This module implements a client Interface to the EMI (External Machine Interface) specification, which itself is based on the ERMES UCP (UNIVERSAL Computer Protocol) with some SMSC-specific extensions. It can be used to compose, send, receive, deliver... short messages to GSM Networks via EMI-enabled SMSC's (Short Message Service Center). Usually the Network connection is based on TCP/IP or X.25. The EMI/UCP specification can be found here HISTORY 0.9 first try 0.9.1 contains bug fixes from Gustav Schaffter updated specification link in README included simple test script for "make test" INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make install COPYRIGHT © 2001,2002 Jochen Schneider All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.