NAME Net::Server::POP3 - The Server Side of the POP3 Protocol SYNOPSIS use Net::Server::POP3; my $server = Net::Server::POP3->new( severopts => \%options, authenticate => \&auth, list => \&list, retrieve => \&retrieve, delete => \&delete, size => \&size, welcome => "Welcome to my mail server.", ); $server->startserver(); DESCRIPTION This is alpha code. That means it needs work and doesn't yet implement everything it should. Don't use it unless you don't mind fixing up the parts that you find need fixing up. Lots of parts still need fixing. You have been warned. The code as it stands now works, for some definition of "works". With the included script I have successfully served test messages that I have retrieved with Mozilla Mail/News. However, much work remains to be done. It is strongly recommended to run with Taint checking enabled. Stub documentation for this module was created by ExtUtils::ModuleMaker. It looks like the author of the extension was negligent enough to leave the stub at least partly unedited. USAGE This module is designed to be the server/daemon itself and so to handle all of the communication to/from the client(s). The actual details of obtaining, storing, and keeping track of messages are left to other modules or to the user's own code. (See the sample script for an example.) The main method is startserver(), which starts the server. The following named arguments may be passed either to new() or to startserver(). All callbacks should be passed as coderefs. If you pass an argument to new() and then pass an argument of the same name to startserver(), the one passed to startserver() overrides the one passed to new(). stopserver() has not been implemented yet and so neither has restartserver(). port The port number to listen on. 110 is the default. servertype A type of server implemented by Net::Server (q.v.) The default is 'Fork', which is suitable for installations with a small number of users. At the time of this writing, this option is ignored and Net::Server::Fork is used, but a future version should fix this. serveropts A hashref containing extra named arguments to pass to Net::Server. Particularly recommended for security reasons are user, group, and chroot. See the docs for Net::Server for more information. connect An optional callback that, if supplied, will be called when a client connects. This is the recommended place to allocate resources such as a database connection handle. disconnect This optional callback, if supplied, is called when the client disconnects. If there is any cleanup to do, this is the place to do it. Note that message deletion is not handled here, but in the delete callback. authenticate The authenticate callback is passed a username, password, and IP address. If the username and password are valid and the user is allowed to connect from that address and authenticate by the USER/PASS method, then the callback should try to get a changelock on the mailbox and return true if successful; it must return false if any of that fails. apop Optional callback for handling APOP auth. If the user attempts APOP auth and this callback exists, it will be passed the username, the digest sent by the user, and the server greeting. If the user's digest is indeed the MD5 digest of the concatenation of the server greeting and the shared secret for that user, then the callback should attempt to lock the mailbox and return true if successful; otherwise, return false. This is not implemented yet. list The list callback, given a valid, authenticated username, must return a list of message-ids of available messages. (Most implementations will ingore the username, since they will already be locked in to the correct mailbox after authentication. That's fine. The username is passed as a help for minimalist implementations.) retrieve The retrieve callback must accept a valid, authenticated username and a message-id (from the list returned by the list callback) and must return the message as a string. (Most implementations will ingore the username, since they will already be locked in to the correct mailbox after authentication. That's fine. The username is passed as a help for minimalist implementations.) delete The delete callback gets called with a valid, authenticated username and a message-id that the user/client has asked to delete. (Most implementations will ingore the username, since they will already be locked in to the correct mailbox after authentication. That's fine. The username is passed as a help for minimalist implementations.) The callback is only called in cases where the POP3 protocol says the message should actually be deleted. If the connection terminates abnormally before entering the UPDATE state, the callback is not called, so code using this module does not need to concern itself with marking and unmarking for deletion. When called, it can do whatever it wants, such as actually delete the message, archive it permanently, mark it as no longer to be given to this specific user, or whatever. welcome This string is used as the welcome string. It must not be longer than 507 bytes, for arcane reasons involving RFC1939. (The length is not checked automatically by Net::Server::POP3, though it may be in a future version.) BUGS Some things are just plain not implemented yet. The UIDL implementation uses the message-id as the unique id, rather than calculating a hash as suggested by RFC 1939. In practice, this seems to be what my ISP's mail server does (it calls itself InterMail), which has worked with every client I've thrown at it, so it should be mostly okay, but it's not strictly up to spec I think and may be changed in a later version. There may be other bugs as well; this is very alpha stuff. Significant changes may be made to the code interface before release quality is reached, so if you use this module now you may have to change your code when you upgrade. Caveat user. SUPPORT Use the source, Luke. You can also contact the author with questions, but I cannot guarantee that I will be able to answer all of them in a satisfactory fashion. The code is supplied on an as-is basis with no warranty. AUTHOR Jonadab the Unsightly One (Nathan Eady) COPYRIGHT This program is free software licensed under the terms of... The BSD License The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. SEE ALSO perl(1) Net::Server Mail::POP3Client sample_function Usage : How to use this function/method Purpose : What it does Returns : What it returns Argument : What it wants to know Throws : Exceptions and other anomolies Comments : This is a sample subroutine header. : It is polite to include more pod and fewer comments. See Also :