NAME WWW::Nike::NikePlus::Public - retrieve data from Nike+ public interface SYNOPSIS use WWW::Nike::NikePlus::Public; my $nike = WWW::Nike::NikePlus::Public->new({ userid => 1755202461, verbose => 1, }); $xml = $nike->retrieve(); my $nike = WWW::Nike::NikePlus::Public->new({}); $xml = $nike->retrieve({ userid => 1755202461, }); VERSION This documentation describes version 0.01 DESCRIPTION Nikeplus is a service provided by Nike. It gives you online access to your workout data recorded using a Nike+ enabled devices (Apple iPod, iPhone etc.). The data are returned in XML format. All this module provides is the actual retrieval mechanism. Processing of the data is left up to you imagination. In order to make proper use of this class, you can either just use it as described in the SYNOPSIS or you can subclass it and implement your own processor method. SUBROUTINES AND METHODS new This is the constructor, it returns an object on which you can call the retrieve method. It takes a reference to a hash as parameter. Please see the descriptions below on mandatory and optional parameters. Mandatory Parameters * userid, a Nikeplus public id Optional Parameters * verbose, a flag enabling verbosity * mech, a WWW::Mechanize object if you do not want to use the one constructed internally. Please note that you should mimic a WWW::Mechanize object since this class relies on the methods get and content. * base_url, the URL with the Nike service from where the data is retrieved. You can overwrite this value, but you might render the object useless. An interesting candidate for this parameter could be WWW::Mechanize::Cached. Accessors and mutators of the parameters mentioned above are also available. retrieve Takes no parameters, returns an XML string. processor This is sort of an abstract method. It should be overwritten, by subclassing the class and implmenting your own processor method. If you instantiate the object or later set the verbose attribute the built in accessor will output the retrieved data to STDERR. PRIVATE METHODS _validate_parameters This method is used internally to validate the parameters provided to the constructor (new). Please see the constructor for more specific details. DIAGNOSTICS * The constructor dies, if the mandatory userid parameter is not provided. * WWW::Mechanize might provide special errors, please refer to WWW::Mechanize. This might however also relate to the availability to the Nike site providing the service acting as back-end for the module. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Apart from the listed dependencies and requirements listed in the following section. All which is needed is HTTP access to the Internet and access to the Nike site. DEPENDENCIES AND REQUIREMENTS * Carp * WWW::Mechanize, by Andy Lester (PETDANCE) * Params::Validate * Class::Accessor * English Apart from software components, your need a Nikeplus public ID of a user, who have made their workout data publically available. The test suite currently uses the ID of the author. Please use this with descretion, since this is the ID I also use for development and analyzing my own running data. The data are not secret, but I do not want to have my account abused, so it will be closed due to overuse or similar, hence the mock in the test suite. INCOMPATIBILITIES No known incompatibilities at this time. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No known bugs at this time. BUG REPORTING TEST AND QUALITY INTEGRATION TEST If you want to call the actual Nikeplus API, you must enable the integration test, this is done using the environment variable. TEST_INTEGRATION=1 ./Build test TODO Please see distribution TODO file. SEE ALSO * , Nike site *, Apple site *, Wikipedia * WWW::Nike::NikePlus, by Alex Lomas (ALEXLOMAS) * WWW::Mechanize::Cached, by Iain Truskett and others AUTHOR * Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn) `' ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS * Andy Lester (PETDANCE), author of: WWW::Mechanize a great utility COPYRIGHT Nike and Nikeplus/Nike+ are trademarks owned by Nike. iPod, iPod touch, iPhone and Apple are trademarks owned by Apple. Copyright 2009-2011 Jonas B. Nielsen (jonasbn), All Rights Reserved. LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.