pod2ps - convert pod format to PostScript, with support for PDF Takes one or multiple perl POD files that follow the rules given in perlpod and produces a single PostScript file. pod2ps can be run on single or multiple files from the command line or using a command file. PostScript output includes PDFMARK operators that can be used by the commerically available Adobe Acrobat Distiller to produce a fully indexed PDF file. To see full man page in PostScript execute: pod2ps -o pod2ps.ps -shortitem pod2ps and then print pod2ps.ps, or distill to create pod2ps.pdf. The file pod2ps-1.0.gz contains a single source file that has been compressed with gzip. -- Jim Pravetz - ,__o Adobe Systems Inc., San Jose CA - _-\_<, mailto:jpravetz@mv.us.adobe.com (*)/'(*) Co-authored with Alan J. Fry (mailto:ajf@afco.demon.co.uk). Report bugs to Alan J. Fry.