Sick of your endlessly growing PATH? Name DSLI Description Info ----------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- Envy RdpO Shell independent environment variable mgmt JPRIT 1. Easy, safe upgrade from any other dot-file setup. Tested with sh, ksh, bash, zsh, csh, and tcsh. 2. A mechanism is provided for setting and prepending environment variables in a variety of flexible ways. All modifications are reversible. 3. Machine generated .profile, .login, and crontab wrapper with centrally specified bootstrap environment variables. Everything else is determined dynamically. Get it via ! (Also see File::LinkTree & File::Manifest) ################## # RECENT CHAN@ES # ################## ** 03-05-98 RELEASE 2.15 - Fixed handling of $HOME/.envy. - Improvements to Envy::Load. ** 01-16-98 RELEASE 2.13 - I've been waiting for the code to stabilize. This release seems very stable so I am releasing it. The csh support still needs to be brought up to date and better documentation is in the works. - Phased out support for backward-compatible envy state environment variables. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what it looks like: [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy dailydb-dev imag-dbo-testdb x dev imag-dev-2513 dev-area-setup imag-dev-2519 fame imag-prod framemaker java x fvwm95-2.0.43a objstore gcc x openwin gems-1.9.1-dev printing gems-2.0-dev prod gems-2.0.alpha.14 prod-new gems-dev research gems-intl-rpts x reuters gems-prod solaris imag-2519 sunpro imag-batch-hilarydb x sybase imag-batch-proddb tcltk imag-batch-testdb tcltk-7.6 imag-dbo-hilarydb tcltk-8.0 imag-dbo-proddb The 'x' means 'loaded'. [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy list All envys currently available (2.06): dailydb-dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/dailydb-dev.env x dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/dev.env dev-area-setup /nw/dev/usr/mo/ fame /nw/dist/prod/mo/ framemaker /nw/dist/prod/etc/ x fvwm95-2.0.43a /nw/dev/usr/mo/ gcc /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gcc.env gems-1.9.1-dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gems-1.9.1-dev.env gems-2.0-dev /nw/dev/usr/mo/ gems-2.0.alpha.14 /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gems-2.0.alpha.14.env gems-dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gems-dev.env gems-intl-rpts /nw/dist/prod/mo/ gems-prod /nw/dist/prod/mo/ imag-2519 /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-2519.env imag-batch-hilarydb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-batch-hilarydb.env imag-batch-proddb /nw/dist/prod/etc/ imag-batch-testdb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-batch-testdb.env imag-dbo-hilarydb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-dbo-hilarydb.env imag-dbo-proddb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-dbo-proddb.env imag-dbo-testdb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-dbo-testdb.env imag-dev-2513 /nw/dist/prod/etc/ imag-dev-2519 /nw/dist/prod/etc/ imag-prod /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-prod.env java /nw/dist/prod/etc/ objstore /nw/dist/prod/etc/ x openwin /nw/dev/usr/mo/ ... [joshua@grdevl137] ~% cat /nw/dev/usr/mo/ # X11 and Motif # PATH+=/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin MANPATH+=/usr/dt/man:/usr/openwin/man LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin This means that when 'openwin' is loaded, two components are prepended to the PATH, MANPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH; and OPENWINHOME is set to /usr/openwin. What makes envy unique is that YOU CAN ALSO UNLOAD 'openwin' to unprepend and unset each of the variables modified during the load. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * How does a typical install work? First, edit and install envy. Then you need to setup the initial production & development (& test?) environments. $ETOP needs to be set to the top of your production tree such that: $ETOP/(bin|etc|include|lib|man|share|var) You'll need an prod.env that looks like this: dimension central-tree ETOP=/nw/dist/prod ESTAGE=prod PATH+=/nw/dist/prod/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/nw/dist/prod/lib MANPATH+=/nw/dist/prod/man ENVY_PATH+=$ETOP/etc/envy You can also create a dev.env file for development: dimension central-tree ETOP=/nw/dev/usr ESTAGE=dev PATH+=$ETOP/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=$ETOP/lib MANPATH+=$ETOP/man ENVY_PATH+=$ETOP/etc/envy Put both of these files in $ETOP/etc/envy/. To set up a particular user for envy, all you have to do is replace $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.login with symlinks: ln -s $ETOP/etc/login/dot.profile $HOME/.profile ln -s $ETOP/etc/login/dot.login $HOME/.login Any prior $HOME/dot files will be renamed if necessary (but not deleted). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Sergei Poliakoff - Global Technology Architect Alexander Shugayev - System Administrator Devine Kerr - Developer Ken Nawyn - Senior System Administrator Joshua Pritikin - Magician Support: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1997-1998 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see