Sick of an endlessly growing PATH? Me too! Envy does shell-independent environment variable management. Envy is not ambitious. It is designed to be a narrow tool and it tries to solve specific and practical problems without going wildly overboard. Its modest scope includes: 1. Easy, safe upgrade from any other dot-file setup. Works with sh, ksh, bash, zsh, csh, and tcsh. 2. A mechanism is provided for setting and prepending environment variables in a variety of flexible ways. All modifications are reversible. I think reversibility is important. 3. Machine generated .profile, .login, and crontab wrapper with centrally specified bootstrapping environment variables. Most other variable can be determined via modular configuration files. Get it via ! ################## # RECENT CHAN@ES # ################## ** 1998-08-31 RELEASE 2.16 - A fairly large amount of work (mostly in the form of deep pondering) has gone into this release. Please consider it BETA and test it carefully! - Replaced bizarre installation instructions with much simpler. - Improved start-up time. - More documentation: envy help and FAQ.pod - Changes to the ENVY_PATH are now reflected (immediately) when loading multiple envys during a single invokation. - Added support for *.site configuration files. This allows per-site customization of default settings (like xemacs). - Switched default umask to 002. Should be part of site configuration? ** 1998-03-05 RELEASE 2.15 - Fixed handling of $HOME/.envy. - Improvements to Envy::Load. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what it looks like: [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy dailydb-dev imag-dbo-testdb x dev imag-dev-2513 dev-area-setup imag-dev-2519 fame imag-prod framemaker java x fvwm95-2.0.43a objstore gcc x openwin gems-1.9.1-dev printing gems-2.0-dev prod gems-2.0.alpha.14 prod-new gems-dev research gems-intl-rpts x reuters gems-prod solaris imag-2519 sunpro imag-batch-hilarydb x sybase imag-batch-proddb tcltk imag-batch-testdb tcltk-7.6 imag-dbo-hilarydb tcltk-8.0 imag-dbo-proddb The 'x' means 'loaded'. [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy list All envys currently available (2.15): x SUNWspro-4.2 /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/SUNWspro-4.2.env TLW /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/TLW.env adp-batch-proddb /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/adp-batch-proddb.env bat-2.20 /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/bat-2.20.env bookmark1 /home/joshua/.envy/bookmark1.env x cc-tools /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/cc-tools.env coppelia /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/coppelia.env dailydb /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/dailydb.env dailydb-dev /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/dailydb-dev.env dev /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/dev.env edcrs-1.0 /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/edcrs-1.0.env edcrs-prod /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/edcrs-prod.env ess-primal-etsdb /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/ess-primal-etsdb.env fame /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/fame.env finance_tech /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/finance_tech.env fix /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/fix.env fvwm95-2.0.43a /nw/dist/prod/etc/envy/fvwm95-2.0.43a.env ... [joshua@grdevl137] ~% cat /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/openwin.env # X11 and Motif # PATH+=/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin MANPATH+=/usr/dt/man:/usr/openwin/man LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin This means that when 'openwin' is loaded, two components are prepended to the PATH, MANPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH; and OPENWINHOME is set to /usr/openwin. What makes envy unique is that YOU CAN ALSO UNLOAD 'openwin' to unprepend and unset each of the variables modified during the load. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Sergei Poliakoff - Global Technology Architect Alexander Shugayev - Creative Touche Devine Kerr - Developer Ken Nawyn - Senior System Administrator Joshua Pritikin - Magician Support: ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1997-1998 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see