Sick of the endlessly growing search PATH? Name DSLI Description Info ----------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- Envy RmpO Shell independent environment variable mgmt JPRIT 1. Easy and safe upgrade from any other dot-file configuration. Tested with sh, ksh, bash, zsh, csh, and tcsh. 2. A mechanism is provided for setting and prepending environment variables in a variety of flexible ways. All modifications are fully reversible. 3. Machine generated .profile, .login, and crontab wrapper with centrally specified essential environment variables. Everything else can be dependent on search paths. Get it from! (Also see LinkTree & Manifest) ################## # RE@ENT CHAN@ES # ################## ** 12-13-97 Released 2.07 - Slightly better dependency tracking. Avoids unloading ETOP during 'unload all'. - envy load/unload now accept multiple targets on the command line - More whitespace stricture in envy files. - Slightly improved error messages. - Factored 'wrapper' to use INITIAL_ENV. ** 11-24-97 Released 2.06 - Initial public release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what it looks like: [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy dailydb-dev imag-dbo-testdb x dev imag-dev-2513 dev-area-setup imag-dev-2519 fame imag-prod framemaker java x fvwm95-2.0.43a objstore gcc x openwin gems-1.9.1-dev printing gems-2.0-dev prod gems-2.0.alpha.14 prod-new gems-dev research gems-intl-rpts x reuters gems-prod solaris imag-2519 sunpro imag-batch-hilarydb x sybase imag-batch-proddb tcltk imag-batch-testdb tcltk-7.6 imag-dbo-hilarydb tcltk-8.0 imag-dbo-proddb The 'x' means 'loaded'. [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy list All envys currently available (2.06): dailydb-dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/dailydb-dev.env x dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/dev.env dev-area-setup /nw/dev/usr/mo/ fame /nw/dist/prod/mo/ framemaker /nw/dist/prod/etc/ x fvwm95-2.0.43a /nw/dev/usr/mo/ gcc /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gcc.env gems-1.9.1-dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gems-1.9.1-dev.env gems-2.0-dev /nw/dev/usr/mo/ gems-2.0.alpha.14 /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gems-2.0.alpha.14.env gems-dev /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/gems-dev.env gems-intl-rpts /nw/dist/prod/mo/ gems-prod /nw/dist/prod/mo/ imag-2519 /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-2519.env imag-batch-hilarydb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-batch-hilarydb.env imag-batch-proddb /nw/dist/prod/etc/ imag-batch-testdb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-batch-testdb.env imag-dbo-hilarydb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-dbo-hilarydb.env imag-dbo-proddb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-dbo-proddb.env imag-dbo-testdb /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-dbo-testdb.env imag-dev-2513 /nw/dist/prod/etc/ imag-dev-2519 /nw/dist/prod/etc/ imag-prod /nw/dev/usr/etc/envy/imag-prod.env java /nw/dist/prod/etc/ objstore /nw/dist/prod/etc/ x openwin /nw/dev/usr/mo/ ... [joshua@grdevl137] ~% cat /nw/dev/usr/mo/ # X11 and Motif # PATH+=/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin MANPATH+=/usr/dt/man:/usr/openwin/man LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/usr/dt/lib:/usr/openwin/lib OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin This means that when 'openwin' is loaded, two components are prepended to the PATH, MANPATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH; and OPENWINHOME is set to /usr/openwin. What makes envy unique is that YOU CAN ALSO UNLOAD 'openwin' to unprepend and unset each of the variables modified during the load. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * How does a typical install work? First, edit and install envy. Then you need to setup the initial production & development (& test?) environments. $ETOP needs to be set to the top of your production tree such that: $ETOP/(bin|etc|include|lib|man|share|var) You'll need an prod.env that looks like this: ETOP=/nw/prod/usr PATH+=/nw/prod/usr/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/nw/prod/usr/lib PERL5LIB+=/nw/prod/usr/lib/perl5 MANPATH+=/nw/prod/usr/man:/nw/prod/usr/lib/perl5/man ENVY_PATH+=/nw/prod/usr/etc/envy You can also create a dev.env file for development: ETOP=/nw/dev/usr PATH+=/nw/dev/usr/bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/nw/dev/usr/lib PERL5LIB+=/nw/dev/usr/lib/perl5 MANPATH+=/nw/dev/usr/man:/nw/dev/usr/lib/perl5/man ENVY_PATH+=/nw/dev/usr/etc/envy Put both of these files in /nw/prod/usr/etc/envy/. To set up a particular user for envy, all you have to do is replace $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.login with symlinks: ln -s /nw/prod/usr/etc/login/dot.profile $HOME/.profile ln -s /nw/prod/usr/etc/login/dot.login $HOME/.login Any old $HOME/dot files will be renamed if necessary (and not deleted). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Sergei Poliakoff - Global Technology Architect Alexander Shugayev - System Administrator Devine Kerr - Developer Ken Nawyn - Senior System Administrator Joshua Pritikin - Coder ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 1997 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl itself.