Copyright (c) 1997 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Name DSLI Description Info ----------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- Maker bdpO Yet Another Make Replacement JPRIT Why yet another make? I have never found a make program that I thought was flexible enough and easy enough. In fact, a year of two ago I wrote a make package similar to this one but it turned out to have some design flaws and I ended up discarding it. Here are some features that make this maker unique: =item Due to the adherence to object-oriented organization, multiple targets can easily be built in the same be-file in a natural and obvious manner. =item Rules have two phases of execution. Once when they are added to the rule tree and once when they are executed. The complete power of perl is available at both times. Rules do not need to be written only in terms of pattern matching. This makes for more organic, intelligent behavior. =item The reliance of the rule selection engine is kept to an absolute minimum. Be-files state exactly what to do in a direct procedural fashion. The full power of perl is available to factor out duplicate information. I have little hope of seeing this module gain widespread use. /bin/make is far too entrenched, even if an alternative is superior in all respects. Furthermore, as more people start using Perl and Java, makefiles will become a headache of the past.