What do you get when you cross a mission-critical enterprise-class database with a camel? Name DSLI Description Info ----------- ---- -------------------------------------------- ----- ObjStore Rm+O ObjectStore OODBMS Interface JPRIT - Requires ObjectStore OODBMS (http://www.odi.com) & perl 5.004_04 - Perl 5.005 recommended (when available) Get it via http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/JPRIT/ ! ################## # RECENT CHAN@ES # ################## ** 01-18-98 RELEASE 1.25 - Completed test coverage analysis of the C++ code (with the assistance of Devel::CCov). A number of minor bugs were uncovered and fixed. Most notable bug: splash hashes did not take advantage of already empty slots during STORE. - Fixed: problems when doing updates while two databases are open, one in mvcc mode and one in update mode. $db->is_writable is now the preferred method to determine if you can update data. - Split each group of collection representations into its own XS file. Optimized creation of new persistent objects. (This may cause backward compatibility problems if you were passing an exact representation type to a 'new' method.) The 'new' method will be auto-generated at compile-time in a forthcoming release. ** 01-10-98 RELEASE 1.24 - The index readonly locking has been tweaked again. You'll need to re-create any indices. Let me know if I got it right this time! - Re-organized the logic of blessing with a significant performance improvement. Greatly expanded tracking of version numbers. Be aware that bless now requires all classes throughout the @ISA heirarchy to set their $VERSION since is_evolved compares them (and no longer compares the @ISA tree). - Persistent per-class globals via a new $o->stash() method. - Improved the API for private root data. Also, moved the private root to a separate segment (so it's easier to study memory usage). - $db->sync_INC uses unshift instead of push. see ./INSTALL for hints on installation see ./UPGRADE to evolve databases from prior releases see ./TODO for a list of stuff in the queue see ./CHANGES for a visionary perspective Perl-ObjectStore mailing list: majordomo@parallax.co.uk "subscribe perl-objectstore you@your.company.com" (If you think you've run into a bug, try running your script with "perl -MObjStore=PANIC" and mail the output to the mailing list.) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 1997-1998 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html)