I. ABOUT dvd::rip is a Perl Gtk+ based DVD copy program build on top of a low level DVD Ripping API, which uses the Linux Video Stream Processing Tool transcode, written by Thomas Oestreich. It simplifies the whole process of making copies of your DVDs using a straightforward 4 step strategy: 1. Specify file system storage locations. 2. Read TOC from DVD, select a title and rip it. 3. Adjust clipping and zooming parameters. 4. Set transcode options and go! Also dvd::rip also has a powerful cluster mode which will use all your hardware to increase transcode performance by parallel encoding. II. NOTE This README is automatically generated from the same sources which are used for the dvd::rip homepage. You'll allways get the latest news and information from the homepage. http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/ Also the homepage contains an extensive user documentation for standard and cluster mode, with screenshots, diagrams and more. This README covers only the installation not the usage of dvd::rip. III. INSTALLATION dvd::rip itself is a Gtk+ based program written in Perl, using the video processing tool transcode for the internals. So you first have to comply some prerequisites before installing dvd::rip. transcode dvd::rip delegates all the low level DVD handling to transcode, which can be obtained here: [3]http://www.theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~ostreich/transcode/ dvd::rip expects all transcode binaries to be found in the standard search PATH. Note: If you want to use the dvd::rip cluster mode you must install at least transcode version 0.6.0pre4. Image Magick For image processing dvd::rip uses the widely distributed software package Image Magick, at least the programs identify and convert should be installed on your system. All versions above version 4 should work (actually tested with 5.3.1). dvd::rip does not use Perl Magick. If your Linux distribution does not ship Image Magick, you can find it here: [4]http://www.imagemagick.org/ dvd::rip expects the Image Magick binaries to be found in the standard search PATH. Perl Gtk Module For its GUI component dvd::rip needs the Perl Gtk module, which presumes Gtk+ version 1.2 or higher. I tested dvd::rip with Perl Gtk 0.7008. You can find the Gtk module on CPAN, e.g.: [5]http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/Gtk/ Note: Perl Gtk detects your installed Gtk libs and build sub components only if the correspondent Gtk library was found. dvd::rip needs the Gtk::Gdk::Pixbuf component which needs gdk-pixbuf to be installed on your system. So first make sure, that gdk-pixbuf is installed. Then install Perl Gtk and everything should work as expected. xine Video Player with d4d plugin If you have the movie player xine with the d4d plugin installed, you can preview selected DVD titles with the appropriate audio channels. Maybe I'll support mplayer, too, in upcoming versions. You can download xine here: [6]http://xine.sourceforge.net/ dvd::rip expects the xine binary to be found in the standard search PATH. Installing / Updating dvd::rip itself This is quite easy, if you have managed installing the packages mentioned above... ;) [7]Download the .tar.gz archive of the dvd::rip version you want to install. Then extract the file, change into the created directory, generate the Makefile and execute make: tar xfz Video-DVDRip-0.38.tar.gz cd Video-DVDRip-x.xx perl Makefile.PL make make test If the "make test" reported no errors, you can install the files into your Perl library path. Maybe you must be root to do this: make install You can ommit the "make install" step. But then you can execute the 'dvdrip' binary only from the build directory, otherwise dvd::rip can't find its files. Read the Changes file I strongly suggest you reading at least the latest change log entry of the Changes file, resp. all entries of the versions you probably skipped in case of an update. It contains important release notes, e.g. about compatibility issues, and all relevant changes from release to release. Additional steps for cluster mode First ensure that you're using transcode version 0.6.0pre4-20020322 or better, because cluster mode doesn't work with earlier versions. Perl modules Additionally you need the Storable and the Event Perl modules. You can find them on CPAN, e.g.: [8]http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/Storable/ [9]http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/Event/ fping and pstree The dvd::rip cluster control daemon uses fping to check if nodes are online and pstree to get information about specific child processes. Both tools should be shipped with your Linux distribution (fping sometimes isn't, but you can get it here: [10]http://www.fping.com/) dvd::rip expects fping to be installed set-uid root (because you hopefully don't run dvd::rip as root ;), which is not the default for most distributions. Please set the set-uid flag by typing this command as root: chmod u+s /usr/sbin/fping If fping is installed in another location, set a symlink to /usr/sbin/fping, because dvd::rip expects it there. Note: These steps are necessary only on the computer, where the cluster control daemon runs. All slave nodes of a dvd::rip cluster only need transcode installed, dvd::rip or any packages mentioned here aren't needed there. URL References 1. file://localhost/dvdrip/doc/install.cipp 2. file://localhost/dvdrip/doc/install.cipp?print=1 3. http://www.theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~ostreich/transcode/ 4. http://www.imagemagick.org/ 5. http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/Gtk/ 6. http://xine.sourceforge.net/ 7. file://localhost/dvdrip/download.cipp 8. http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/Storable/ 9. http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-module/Event/ 10. http://www.fping.com/ IV. DOWNLOAD You can download dvd::rip from this server or all stable releases from any CPAN mirror. Local download of the latest stable release: [3]Video-DVDRip-0.38.tar.gz CPAN download directory: [4]http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-authors/id/J/JR/JRED/ Here you can get a list of CPAN mirrors: [5]http://www.perl.org/CPAN/SITES.html You can download older versions from here: [6]http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/dist/ User contributed downloads Currently I do not provide RPM archives myself, but other dvd::rip users are so kind to build some. You'll find them in my contribution directory, beside other interesting donated stuff: [7]http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/contrib/ Please understand that I can't offer any support for these files. URL References 1. file://localhost/dvdrip/download.cipp 2. file://localhost/dvdrip/download.cipp?print=1 3. file://localhost/dvdrip/dist/Video-DVDRip-0.38.tar.gz 4. http://www.perl.org/CPAN/modules/by-authors/id/J/JR/JRED/ 5. http://www.perl.org/CPAN/SITES.html 6. file://localhost/dvdrip/dist/ 7. file://localhost/dvdrip/contrib/ V. MAILING LIST If you want to discuss usage, problems and suggestions with other dvd::rip users, you should subscribe to the dvdrip-users mailing list. Note: this is a closed mailing list to prevent members from getting flooded by spam. So you have to subscribe before posting. This list is low traffic and announces, patches etc. will be posted here, too. The language of the mailing list is english, although the author and many users and contributors are germans (or at least speak german ;). * [3]Mailing list subscription * [4]Mailing list archive Because dvd::rip is highly transcode related, I suggest subscribing to the [5]transcode-user mailing list, too. URL References 1. file://localhost/dvdrip/list.cipp 2. file://localhost/dvdrip/list.cipp?print=1 3. http://lists.exit1.org/mailman/listinfo/dvdrip-users 4. http://lists.exit1.org/pipermail/dvdrip-users/ 5. http://www.theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de/mailman/listinfo/transcode-users VI. COPYRIGHT / CONTACT Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by Jörn Reder, All Rights Reserved. dvd::rip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. You can contact me by mail: [3]joern@zyn.de. Please place the word "dvd::rip" everywhere in the subject, in addition to your real topic, because this helps me classifying your email correctly. Thanks. If users send me suggestions and bug reports I usually add them with their name and email address to the Changes or TODO file. If you are concerned about privacy, then please tell me that you don't want to be listed and I omit that. I fully understand if privacy matters for you. I'm native german speaker, so you can send your mails in german, if you want. The others have to accept my rough english ;) And: consider subscription and posting to the [4]dvdrip-users mailing list list. URL References 1. file://localhost/dvdrip/copyright.cipp 2. file://localhost/dvdrip/copyright.cipp?print=1 3. mailto:joern@zyn.de?subject=dvd::rip 4. http://lists.exit1.org/mailman/listinfo/dvdrip-users VII. CHANGES $Id: Changes,v 1.72 2002/03/31 08:32:52 joern Exp $ Revision history for dvd::rip 0.38 easter-egg Sun Mar 31 2002, joern No changes since last pre-release, except for a graphical dvd::rip startup message, which is totally useless but nice ;)