OVERVIEW The DateTime-Fiscal-Year module is intended to provide methods for adjusting the start date of a calendar to match the start date of a fiscal calendar and calculate the day or week of the fiscal year for a target date. INSTALLATION This module uses Module-Build to install, please see the Module-Build documentation for further instructions on using it. To install this module, type the following in the distribution directory: perl Build.PL Build Build test Build install USAGE use DateTime; use DateTime::Fiscal::Year; use strict; my $sfy = DateTime->new(year => 2003, month=> 02, day=>01); my $td = DateTime->new(year => 2003, month=> 03, day=>01); my $dtfy = DateTime::Fisca::Year->new(fiscal_start => $sfy, target_date => $td); $dtfy->day_of_fiscal_year; # February 1 is now day 1 so March 1 is day 29, not day 60 $dtfy->week_of_fiscal_year; # February 1 is now in week 1 so March 1 is now week 5 not 8 Refer to the modules documentation for further details, or look at the test in t/ They provide serveral examples. SUPPORT Support for this module can be obtained from datetime@perl.org