--------------- Gestinanna 0.02 --------------- This is the Gestinanna Application Framework for Apache/mod_perl. This is a highly intensive XML environment from the scripting to the final output to the client. Instead of being yet another content management system, Gestinanna is a process management system. Except for the model portion of the MVC design pattern, every part of an application is a document. This includes both the controller and the views. The controllers are written in an XML language that allows for descriptive programming instead of imperative programming: describe the structure of the application and what happens when a customer goes from one view to another. This description is then compiled into Perl for actual execution on the server. Controllers may inherit other controllers in both IS-A and HAS-A relationships. Inheritance applies to states, transitions, and views, allowing for extensive code reuse when building new applications. The system comes with support for taglibs, controllers, views, documents, portal-like pages, and workflows. THIS IS ALPHA CODE. Do not expect it to work without a little effort. We are working on documentation. There are bugs. Etc. Feel free to contact the author or post questions to the mod_perl list or other venues as appropriate. There is a mailing list on sourceforge for this project as well. This package is an early release to get the code out for comment. For installation information, see INSTALL.