-------------------- Gestinanna::POF 0.01 -------------------- Gestinanna::POF is a collection of modules providing an abstract persistant object framework intended for use by the Gestinanna application framework though it may be used outside of that framework. Gestinanna::POF currently supports Alzabo, MLDBM, LDAP (limited testing), and aggregations of objects. Security is supported on an attribute basis instead of object basis, providing finer granularity than most other persistant object frameworks. A rudimentary, abstract locking protocol is supported. Transaction support is still in development. Gestinanna::POF tries to stress security over performance, so it may not perform as well as other frameworks such as SPOPS. If you do not need attribute-level security, you will probably want to look at one of the other more mature frameworks also available on CPAN. To install Gestinanna::POF, download the distribution, untar, and cd into the resulting directory. There, run the following: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install or % perl Build.PL % ./Build % ./Build test % ./Build install Extensive tests of the Alzabo and aggregate support require the Alzabo package and DBD::SQLite. Testing of the MLDBM support requires the MLDBM module. Testing locking requires the NEXT module. All modules required for testing and use are available on CPAN. The author lurks on both the mod_perl list as well as various IRC channels. Feel free to send questions there. Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Texas A&M University. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. $Id: README,v 1.1 2003/06/09 20:40:01 jgsmith Exp $