------------------------ Uttu-Framework-Uttu 0.01 ------------------------ Uttu::Framework::Uttu is a sample (but working) framework that sits atop the Uttu module and provides a reasonable environment for building web applications. To install Uttu, download the distribution, untar, and cd into the resulting directory. There, run the following: % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test (optional) % make install You will also need to create a MySQL (or equivalent) database with the following table: CREATE TABLE functions ( file char(255) not null, uri char(255) not null ); ALTER TABLE functions ADD INDEX(file); ALTER TABLE functions ADD INDEX(uri); Changing the table name and the field names is acceptable if you specify the SQL in the configuration file (see the Uttu perldoc for more information). No non-trivial tests are provided at the moment. Eventually, the Apache::Test framework will be used to test the module. The author lurks on both the HTML::Mason list and the mod_perl list. Feel free to send questions there. THIS MODULE IS FOR DEVELOPMENT/TESTING OF UTTU ONLY. NO WARRANTIES ARE MADE CONCERNING THE SUITABILITY OR NON-BROKENNESS OF THE CODE. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Copyright (C) 2002 Texas A&M University. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. $Id: README,v 1.1 2002/03/20 18:13:12 jgsmith Exp $