NAME CHI -- Unified cache interface SYNOPSIS use CHI; # Choose a standard driver # my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Memory' ); my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'File', cache_root => '/path/to/root' ); my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'FastMmap', root_dir => '/path/to/root', cache_size => '1k' ); my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Memcached', servers => [ "", "" ] ); my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'Multilevel', subcaches => [ { driver => 'Memory' }, { driver => 'Memcached', servers => [ "", "" ] } ], ); # Create your own driver # my $cache = CHI->new( driver_class => 'My::Special::Driver' ); # (These drivers coming soon...) # my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'DBI', dbh => $dbh, table => 'app_cache' ); my $cache = CHI->new( driver => 'BerkeleyDB', root_dir => '/path/to/root' ); # Basic cache operations # my $customer = $cache->get($name); if ( !defined $customer ) { $customer = get_customer_from_db($name); $cache->set( $name, $customer, "10 minutes" ); } $cache->remove($name); DESCRIPTION CHI provides a unified caching API, designed to assist a developer in persisting data for a specified period of time. The CHI interface is implemented by driver classes that support fetching, storing and clearing of data. Driver classes exist or will exist for the gamut of storage backends available to Perl, such as memory, plain files, memory mapped files, memcached, and DBI. CHI is intended as an evolution of DeWitt Clinton's Cache::Cache package, adhering to the basic Cache API but adding new features and addressing limitations in the Cache::Cache implementation. AVAILABILITY OF DRIVERS The following drivers are currently available as part of this distribution. The bundling within a single distribution is a temporary convenience during the initial phase of (possibly) rapid changes. Once things have stabilized a bit, all the drivers except for Memory, File, and Multilevel will be moved out to their own CPAN distributions. * CHI::Driver::Memory - In-process memory based cache * CHI::Driver::File - File-based cache using one file per entry in a multi-level directory structure * CHI::Driver::FastMmap - Shared memory interprocess cache via mmap'ed files * CHI::Driver::Memcached - Distributed cache via memcached (memory cache daemon) * CHI::Driver::Multilevel - Cache formed from several subcaches chained together * CHI::Driver::CacheCache - CHI wrapper for Cache::Cache RELATION TO OTHER MODULES Cache::Cache CHI is intended as an evolution of DeWitt Clinton's Cache::Cache package. It starts with the same basic API (which has proven durable over time) but addresses some implementation shortcomings that cannot be fixed in Cache::Cache due to backward compatibility concerns. In particular: Performance Some of Cache::Cache's subclasses (e.g. Cache::FileCache) have been justifiably criticized as inefficient. CHI has been designed from the ground up with performance in mind, both in terms of general overhead and in the built-in driver classes. Method calls are kept to a minimum, data is only serialized when necessary, and metadata such as expiration time is stored in packed binary format alongside the data. As an example, using Rob Mueller's cacheperl benchmarks, CHI's file driver runs 3 to 4 times faster than Cache::FileCache. Ease of subclassing New Cache::Cache subclasses can be tedious to create, due to a lack of code refactoring, the use of non-OO package subroutines, and the separation of "cache" and "backend" classes. With CHI, the goal is to make the creation of new drivers as easy as possible, roughly the same as writing a TIE interface to your data store. Concerns like serialization and expiration options are handled by the driver base class so that individual drivers don't have to worry about them. Increased compatibility with cache implementations Probably because of the reasons above, Cache::Cache subclasses were never created for some of the most popular caches available on CPAN, e.g. Cache::FastMmap and Cache::Memcached. CHI's goal is to be able to support these and other caches with a minimum performance overhead and minimum of glue code required. Cache::Memcached, Cache::FastMmap, etc. CPAN sports a variety of full-featured standalone cache modules representing particular backends. CHI does not reinvent these but simply wraps them with an appropriate driver. For example, CHI::Driver::Memcached and CHI::Driver::FastMmap are thin layers around Cache::Memcached and Cache::FastMmap. Of course, because these modules already work on their own, there will be some overlap. Cache::FastMmap, for example, already has code to serialize data and handle expiration times. Here's how CHI resolves these overlaps. Serialization CHI handles its own serialization, passing a flat binary string to the underlying cache backend. Expiration CHI packs expiration times (as well as other metadata) inside the binary string passed to the underlying cache backend. The backend is unaware of these values; from its point of view the item has no expiration time. Among other things, this means that you can use CHI to examine expired items (e.g. with $cache->get_object) even if this is not supported natively by the backend. At some point CHI will provide the option of explicitly notifying the backend of the expiration time as well. This might allow the backend to do better storage management, etc., but would prevent CHI from examining expired items. Naturally, using CHI's FastMmap or Memcached driver will never be as time or storage efficient as simply using Cache::FastMmap or Cache::Memcached. In terms of performance, we've attempted to make the overhead as small as possible, on the order of 5% per get or set (benchmarks coming soon). In terms of storage size, CHI adds about 16 bytes of metadata overhead to each item. How much this matters obviously depends on the typical size of items in your cache. SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION Questions and feedback are welcome, and should be directed to the perl-cache mailing list: Bugs and feature requests will be tracked at RT: The latest source code is available at: TODO * Integrate CHI with Mason, and create CHI plugins for Catalyst and CGI::Application * Perform cache benchmarks comparing both CHI and non-CHI cache implementations * Separate FastMmap and Memcached drivers into their own CPAN distributions * Release BerkeleyDB and DBI drivers as separate CPAN distributions * Add docs comparing various strategies for reducing miss stampedes and cost of recomputes * Add expires_next syntax (e.g. expires_next => 'hour') * Support automatic serialization and escaping of keys * Create XS versions of main functions in (e.g. get, set) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Dewitt Clinton for the original Cache::Cache, to Rob Mueller for the Perl cache benchmarks, and to Perrin Harkins for the discussions that got this going. CHI was originally designed and developed for the Digital Media group of the Hearst Corporation, a diversified media company based in New York City. Many thanks to Hearst management for agreeing to this open source release. AUTHOR Jonathan Swartz SEE ALSO Cache::Cache, Cache::Memcached, Cache::FastMmap COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (C) 2007 Jonathan Swartz. CHI is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.