28 March 2000 This is version 0.14 of Perlmacs, a program based on GNU Emacs with the Perl interpreter linked in. Perlmacs has all the functionality of both Perl and Emacs, and it lets Perl code call functions and access variables of Lisp. Perlmacs is still considered "beta" at this time, so if you use it for day-to-day editing, I suggest you save your work often. Send bug reports to jtobey@john-edwin-tobey.org. For the latest (semi-)stable version, look in either of these locations http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/JTOBEY/ http://john-edwin-tobey.org/perlmacs/src/ for a file named `Emacs-PerlmacsPatch-x.yy.tar.gz' (where x.yy is the highest version number). Perlmacs is available through anonymous CVS, but it's a little complex. Check http://john-edwin-tobey.org/perlmacs/ or contact me if you would like instructions on setting up a CVS directory. REQUIREMENTS ============ Perlmacs requires Perl version 5.005 or higher. It has been known to work on versions of Unix including Linux and Solaris. On some Unix machines (one FreeBSD and another Solaris) the program dies when run in graphical mode (with DISPLAY set). If you debug this, please let me know right away. Perlmacs has not been built on Windows, to my knowledge. NEW IN 0.14 =========== * Support Perl 5.6.0. (Emacs 20.3 is still required.) * Bundle Emacs::Lisp with the distribution. * Fix behavior of special Perl variables STDOUT, %ENV, etc. when using Perl 5.6.0 ("print" inserts text in the buffer). * Temporarily removed 0.13 Lisp interface while working on a replacement. INSTALLATION ============ The Emacs::PerlmacsPatch module is not a Perl module in the ordinary sense. It exists merely as a convenience for distribution purposes and to take advantage of Perl's `Makefile.PL' interface. Building and installing Emacs::PerlmacsPatch really means building and installing Perlmacs. You will need the GNU Emacs 20.3 source distribution in order to build Perlmacs. Find the file emacs-20.3.tar.gz in a location such as these: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/emacs/emacs-20.3.tar.gz ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/gnu/emacs/emacs-20.3.tar.gz Makefile.PL will search the current directory, its parent, and possibly other locations for emacs-20.3.tar.gz. You can specify its location by passing EMACS_SRC=/path/to/emacs-20.3.tar.gz as an argument to Makefile.PL. Failing that, Makefile.PL will offer to download it from the net for you. cd into the top directory of the Emacs::PerlmacsPatch distribution and run the standard command sequence for installing Perl modules: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Although Perlmacs supports Perl 5.005, one of the tests will fail. This is due to a bug which has been fixed in 5.6.0. It only affects programs that destroy and recreate Perl interpreters, which you are not likely to do without realizing it. If you want to pass options to the Perlmacs `configure' script, give them to Makefile.PL after a `--'. For example: perl Makefile.PL -- --prefix=/opt For a list of `configure' options, do this: perl Makefile.PL emacs-20.3/configure --help By default, the program will be installed in the same directory as perl under the names `pmacs' and `perlmacs'. Invoke it as pmacs when you want edit files as Emacs would; use perlmacs to run Perl scripts. Your Perl must have working ExtUtils::Embed capabilities. If not, or if Perl's version number is below 5.005, `configure' will exclude Perl support, and you will have something close to standard GNU Emacs. If you are unsure about this, watch the messages printed during `make'. If they say that Perl is embeddable, good. If not, have a peek at emacs-20.3/build/config.log for clues, and mail me any workarounds. LICENSE ======= Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by John Tobey. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or higher. See the file COPYING for details. WARRANTY ======== Perlmacs is free software, so it comes with no warranty. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.