NAME HTML::EP - a system for embedding Perl into HTML SYNOPSIS CGI-Env This is an HTML document. You see. Perhaps you wonder about the unknown HTML tags like ep-comment above? They are part of the EP system. For example, this comment section will be removed and you won't see it in your browser. # This is an example of embedding Perl into the page. # We create a variable called env, containing our environment # variables. This variable will be used below. my $self = $_; my $env = []; my($var, $val); while (($var, $val) = each %ENV) { push(@$env, { var => $var, val => $val }); } $self->{env} = {%ENV}; '';

Your CGI environment

Your CGI environment looks as follows:
WARNING THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE. It is *only* 'Alpha' because the interface (API) is not finalised. The Alpha status does not reflect code quality or stability. In particular the following things might change without further notice: The way of passing variables as attributes. For example, currently one can use to pass the form variable *email* into method calls. I consider changing this to or whatever. The decision mainly depends on performance considerations and readability. See the section on "Variables" below. The C interface of introducing own methods. This depends on whether I need changes for inserting the module into mod_perl. See the section on "TODO" below. DESCRIPTION Have you ever written a CGI binary? Easy thing, isn't it? Was just fun! Have you written two CGI binaries? Even easier, but not so much fun. How about the third, fourth or fifth tool? Sometimes you notice that you are always doing the same: Reading and parsing variables Formatting output, in particular building tables Sending mail out from the page Building a database connection, passing CGI input to the database and vice versa Talking to HTML designers about realizing their wishes You see, it's soon to become a pain. Of course there are lots of little helpers around, for example the CGI module, the mod_perl suite and lots of it more. Using them make live a lot easier, but not so much as you like. the CGI(3) manpage. the mod_perl(3) manpage. On the other hand, there are tools like PHP/FI or WebHTML. Incredibly easy to use, but not as powerfull as Perl. Why not get the best from both worlds? This is what EP wants to give you, similar to ePerl or HTML::EmbPerl. I personally believe that EP is simpler and better extendible than the latter two. the ePerl(1) manpage. the HTML::EmbPerm(3) manpage. In short, it's a single, but extensible program, that scans an HTML document for certain special HTML tags. These tags are replaced by appropriate output generated by the EP. What remains is passed to the browser. Its just like writing HTML for an enhanced browser! Prerequisites As far as I know EP depends on no system dependent features. However, it relies on some other Perl modules: CGI The CGI module should be a part of your Perl core's installation. If not, you should definitely upgrade to Perl 5.004. :-) My thanks to Lincoln D. Stein . HTML::Parser This module is used for parsing the HTML templates. My thanks to Gisle Aas . libwww The LWP library contains a lot of utility functions, for example HTML and URL encoding and decoding. Again, my thanks to Gisle Aas . :-) Perl itself and the above modules are available from any CPAN mirror, for example Installation Installing this module (and the prerequisites from above) is quite simple. You just fetch the archive, extract it with gzip -cd HTML-EP-0.1000.tar.gz | tar xf - (this is for Unix users, Windows users would prefer WinZip or something similar) and then enter the following: cd HTML-EP-0.1000 perl Makefile.PL make make test If any tests fail, let me know. Otherwise go on with make install This will put the required Perl modules into a destination where Perl finds it by default. Additionally it will install a single CGI binary, called `ep.cgi'. The docs are available online with perldoc HTML::EP If you prefer an HTML version of the docs, try pod2html lib/HTML/ in the source directory. Using the CGI binary I suggest that you choose an extension and configure your WWW server for feeding files with this extension into `ep.cgi'. For example, with Apache, you can add the following lines to your `srm.conf': ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ep.cgi /usr/bin/ep.cgi AddHandler x-ep-script .ep Action x-ep-script /cgi-bin/ep.cgi This tells Apache that files with extension ep.cgi are handled by the CGI binary `/usr/bin/ep.cgi'. Make sure, that the ScriptAlias line is entered *before* any other ScriptAlias instruction! From now on your server will never return files with extension .ep directly! Verify your installation by creating the following file: print "content-type: text/plain\n\n"; print "It worked! Your EP system is up and running.\n"; Store it as `/test.ep' on your web server and retrieve the file via your Web server. You should neither see the `ep-perl' not the `print' instructions. Available methods All EP tags are starting with the prefix *ep-*. Some available tags are: ep-comment This is a multi-line tag for embedding comments into your HTML page. But why use this tag, instead of the usual HTML comment, ` This is another comment, but you won't see it in your browser. The HTML editor will show it to you, however! Do not try to embed EP instructions into the comment section! They won't produce output, but they will be executed anyways. ep-perl This is for embedding Perl into your script. There are two versions of it: A multiline version is for embedding the Perl code immediately into your script. Example: The Date

The Date

Hello, today its the

# This little piece of Perl code will be executed # while scanning the page. # # Let's calculate the date! # my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); # Leave a string with the date as result. Will be # inserted into the HTML stream: sprintf("%02d.%02d.%04d", $mday, $mon+1, $year+1900);

If you don't like to embed Perl code, you may store it into a different file. That's what the single-line version of ep- perl is for: The Date

The Date

Hello, today its the

You have noticed, that the little script's result was inserted into the HTML page, did you? It did return a date, in other words a string consisting of letters, digits and dots. There's no problem with inserting such a string into an HTML stream. But that's not always the case! Say you have a string like Use for terminating the HTML page. This cannot be inserted as a raw string, for obvious reasons. Thus the ep-perl command has an attribute *output*. Use it like this: 'Use for terminating the HTML page.'; Possible values of the *output* attribute are `raw' (default), `html' (HTML encoded) and `url' (URL encoded). It's a common mistake, to use the Perl command `return' in embedded Perl. Never do that! If you need return (there are of course situations where returning can help), do it like this: sub eval_me { if ($this) { return 'foo'; } elsif ($that) { return 'bar'; } ''; } eval_me(); See the section on "Variables" below for interactions between Perl variables and EP variables. ep-mail This command will send an e-mail. The attributes will be used for creating the email header, in particular the `subject', `from' and `to' attribute should be used. Example: Hello, Bill, old chap. How are you? Yours sincerely, Jochen Note, that you can still use EP variables in the E-mail body, for example the following works: Hello, Joe, this e-mail was sent to you by $@cgi->name$. Note that we suppress conversion into HTML format in the mail body! See the section on "Variables" below for details. ep-errhandler This command advices EP, what to do in case of errors. See the section on "Error handling" below. Example: Set the template being used for system errors. Likewise, set the template for user errors. If an error occurs, the given scripts are loaded and used as templates instead of the current one. You don't need external files! Instead you can use User error

User error

Replace user and continue. :-)

To be serious, the following problem happened:


Please return to the calling page, fix the problem and retry.

However, you might prefer to use a single error template and of course it's faster to use external error templates than parsing builtin templates. (At least, if no error occurs. :- ) ep-error This command forces an error message. See the section on "Error handling" below. You can trigger user or system errors by setting the *type* attribute to the values `system' (default) or `user'. The *msg* attribute is for setting the error message. Example: If no email address was entered, force a user error. ep-database This command connects to a database. Its attributes are `dsn', `user' and `password' corresponding to the same attributes of the DBI connect method. See the DBI(3) manpage for details on DBI. Example: You can use different database connections by using the *dbh* attribute: The *dbh* attribute advices EP to store the DBI handle in the given variable. (Default: `dbh') See the section on "Variables" below. ep-query This command executes an SQL statement. The `query' attribute will be used for passing the SQL statement. Of course a multiline version is available, thus is the same as INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1, 'bar') If your query retrieves a result, use the `result' attribute to store it in a variable, for example like this: This will create a variable `employees', an array ref of hash refs. You can use the ep-list command for displaying the output. See the section on "Variables" below. When using multiple database connections, use the *dbh* attribute for choosing the connection. (See the *ep- database* method above.) ep-list This command is used to display an array of refs. Lets assume, that the variable `employees' contains a an array ref of refs with the attributes *name* and *department*. Then you could create a table of employees as follows:
This will be processed as follows: For any item in the array, retrieved from the variable `employees', create a variable `e' and display the text between ep-list and /ep- list for it by replacing the patterns $e->name$ and $e- >department$ with the corresponding values. ep-input This is usefull for reading an objects data out of CGI variables. Say you have a form with input fields describing an address, the field names being address_t_name, address_t_street, address_n_zip and address_t_city. By using the command the EP program will create a variable "address" for you which is an hash ref as follows: $cgi = $_->{cgi}; $_->{address} = { name => { col => 'name', val => $cgi->param("address_name"), type => 't', }, street => { col => 'street', val => $cgi->param("address_street"), type => 't', }, zip => { col => 'zip', val => $cgi->param("address_zip"), type => 'n', }, city => { col => 'city', val => $cgi->param("address_city"), type => 't' } }; In general column names beginning with *address* will be splitted into `prefix_type_suffix', the type being either 't' for text or 'n' for number. The idea is generating SQL queries automatically out of the `address' variable. Error handling Error handling with EP is quite simple: All you do in case of errors is throwing a Perl exception. For example, DBI handles are created with the RaiseError attribute set to 1, so that SQL errors trigger a Perl exception. You never care for errors! However, what happens in case of errors? In that case, EP will use the template that you have set with ep-errhandler and treat it like an ordinary EP document, by setting the variables `errmsg' and `admin'. If you don't set an error handler, the following template will be used, which is well suited for creating an own error template: Internal error

Internal error

An internal error occurred. The server has not been able to fullfill your request. The error message is:


Please contact the Webmaster, $admin$, tell him the URL, the time and error message.

We apologize for any inconvenience, please try again later!

Yours sincerely,

The Webmaster

Variables It is important to understand, how EP variables work, in particular when working with ep-perl. You always have an object $_, which is an instance of the HTML::EP class (a subclass of HTML::Parser). This object has certain attributes, in particular `$_-'{cgi}>, a CGI object and `$_-'{dbh}>, the DBI handle. (Of course valid after `ep- database' only.) If you want to set or modify a variable, you have to set `$_-'{varname}>. If you want to retrieve the value, use the same. Note that you cannot use `$_' for a long time, as it will be changed by Perl loops and the like, thus your Perl code typically starts with $_ = $self; But how do you access the variable from within EP documents? You just write $varname$ This will be replaced automatically by the parser with the value of `$_->{varname}'. Even more, the value will be converted into HTML source! If `varname' is a structured variable, for example a hash or array ref, you may as well use $varname->attrname$ or $varname->0$ to access `$_->{varname}->{attrname}' or `$_->{varname}->[0]', respectively. A special value of *varname* is `cgi': This will access the CGI variable of the same name, thus the following are equivalent: $cgi->email$ and $_->{cgi}->param('email'); But what, if you don't want your variable to be HTML encoded? You may as well use $@varname$ (Raw) $#varname$ (URL encoded) $~varname$ (SQL encoded) The latter uses the $_->{dbh}->quote() method. In particular this implies that you have to be connected to a database, before using this tag! You can even use these symbols in attributes of EP commands. For example, the following will be usefull when sending a mail: By prefixing the attribute name with `epparse-' you tell the EP module that the attribute must be parsed before processing it. (Note, that one doesn't use an HTML encoded value in that case!) Another prefix is `epperl-': In this case the attribute will be evaluated by the Perl interpreter, much similar to the ep-perl method. The perl code's result will be used as final attribute value. WARNING: As already said, use of `epparse-' and `epperl-' is dangerous, as these things are likely to be changed in the future. EXTENSIONS It is quite easy to write own methods. Single-line extensions For example, suggest you want a method for accessing environment variables: The idea is to create a variable `e', which is a hash ref of the current environment variables, so that you can use $e->REMOTE_AGENT$ for accessing the name of the users browser. This can be done like this: my $self = $_; # Write a handler for ep-env: sub env ($$) { my($self, $attr) = @_; my $var = $attr->{var}; $self->{$var} = {%ENV}; ''; } # Register the handler in the list of handlers: $self->{_ep_funcs}->{'ep-env'} = { method => 'env' }; # Return an empty string: ''; The *method* attribute of the handler tells the EP module to call $_->env($attr); if the `ep-env' tag is used. The argument `$attr' is a hash ref of the tags attributes. Note the use of the *package* attribute: By default the `ep-perl' code is executed in a *Safe* compartment. See the Safe(3) manpage. Multi-line extensions But how to write methods, that use a `' .. `' syntax? As an example, we write a method for creating external files. The method receives two attributes, a *file* attribute for the files name and a *contents* attribute for the files contents. The method can be used in two ways: or like this, in multiline mode: Hi! Here it is: # Write a handler for ep-file: sub file ($$) { my($self, $attr) = @_; my $contents = $attr->{contents}; if (!defined($contents)) { # Multiline method, no "contents" return undef; # attribute given; return undef } # until we are called again. my $file = $attr->{file}; require Symbol; my $fh = Symbol::gensym(); if (!open($fh, ">$file) || !(print $fh ($contents)) || !close($fh)) { die "Error while creating $file: $!"; } ''; } # Register the handler in the list of handlers # Note the use of the "default" attribute: $self->{_ep_funcs}->{'ep-env'} = { method => 'env', default => 'contents' }; # Return an empty string: ''; In other words: The method gets called twice, once for `' and once for `'. If it thinks, it should enter multi-line mode (if the *contents* attribute is not set, it returns `undef'. In that case EP is looking at the *default* attribute of the handler which is telling, that the lines between `' and `' ought to be written into the *contents* attribute. Thus this attribute exists, if the method is called a second time. Note the use of the *Symbol* package when accessing files: *Never* use global handles like open(FILE, ...) as this might break future multithreading code! Selfloaded methods In the above examples the extension methods have been compiled immediately. This is not always a good idea: For example the `ep-mail' method is loading big external packages like *Mail::Internet* for sending the mail. In such cases you might wish to use HTML::EP's builtin self loader, which is quite similar to that of CGI. We choose `ep-mail' as an example: my $self = $_; # Create a string that can be compiled for loading the method: $AUTOLOADED_SUBS{_ep_mail} = <<'end_of__ep_mail'; require Mail::Internet; sub _ep_mail ($$) { my($self, $attr) = @_; ... } end_of__ep_mail $self->{_ep_funcs}->{ep-mail} = { method => '_ep_mail', default => 'body' }; The advantage is that you have the method available, but the performance penalty of loading it is almost omitted, if the method is not used. Namespace pollution So far extensions are inserted at run time only, usually by loading them from external files. For example you might create extensions for building a WWW shop and put them in, say, `shop.lib'. As soon as it is possible to make extensions permanent (with mod_perl or an HTML::EP server) and extensions will be loaded at startup, there will be more and more of such extension files. Experience shows, that namespace pollution will finally become a problem. For example, any virtual Web server might have a completely different method `ep-buttons' for inserting an automatically generated button frame. Thus I propose to use a package model inherited from Perl's package model, and start using it now: If you create a shop extension, put it into a separate package, `HTML::EP::Shop', say. When working with the extension, use as the very first line, so that your Parser object becomes blessed into the Shop package. And let your shop extension file look like this: use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(HTML::EP); # Define first extension method ... # Define second extension method ... Note that this allows inheritage! Currently the extension file has to be loaded with but this will change in the future. TODO mod_perl support Create an EP server that is accessible via a small C wrapper AUTHOR AND COPYRIGHT This module is Copyright (C) 1998 Jochen Wiedmann Am Eisteich 9 72555 Metzingen Germany Phone: +49 7123 14887 Email: All rights reserved. You may distribute this module under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. SEE ALSO the DBI(3) manpage, the CGI(3) manpage, the HTML::Parser(3) manpage