NAME HTML::EP::Explorer - Web driven browsing of a filesystem SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION This application was developed for DHW, a german company that wanted to give its users access to files stored on a file server via certain applications defined by an administrator. (See if you are interested in the sponsor.) The rough idea is as follows: The users are presented a view similar to that of the Windows Explorer or an FTP servers directory listing. On the top they have a list of so-called actions. The users may select one or more files and then execute an action on them. INSTALLATION The system is based on my embedded HTML system HTML::EP. It should be available at the same place where you found this file, or at any CPAN mirror, in particular The installation of HTML::EP is described in detail in the README, I won't explain it here. However, in short it is just as installing HTML::EP::Explorer: Assumed you have a file HTML-EP-Explorer-0.1003.tar.gz then you have to execute the following steps: gzip -cd HTML-EP-Explorer-0.1003.tar.gz | tar xf - perl Makefile.PL make # You will be prompted some questions here make test make install Installation will in particular create a file lib/HTML/EP/Explorer/ which will contain your answers to the following questions: * Install HTML files? If you say *y* here (the default), the installation script will install some HTML files at a location choosed by you. Usually you will say yes, because the system is pretty useless without it's associated HTML files. However, if you already did install the system and modified the HTML files you probably want to avoid overriding them. In that case say *n*. * Directory for installing HTML files? If you requested installing the HTML files, you have to choose a location. By default the program suggests F which is fine on a Red Hat Linux box. Users of other systems will modify this to some path below your your web servers root directory. * UID the httpd is running as? The explorer scripts need write access to some files, in particular the configuration created by the site administrator. To enable write access, these files are owned by the Unix user you enter here, by default the user *nobody*. In most cases this will be the same user that your httpd is running as, but it might be different, for example if your Apache is using the suexec feature. Contact your webmaster for details.