This is the README file for the Tools::* series, common utilities for common problems Please type "perldoc Tools" after installation to see the module usage information. ###################################################################### * Installation Tools::* uses the standard perl module install process: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ###################################################################### * Documentation NAME Tools::* - common utilities for common problems DESCRIPTION The Tools::* modules are an attempt to abstract out common code for common problems. For example, it provides code to enable generic message logging and handling from programs, simple UI construction using Term::ReadLine, input parsing/validating, loading of files and so on. See below for a more elaborate package description. MODULES Tools::Load Allows for generic loading of modules and files. Simply give it the name of a module or file and it will Do What You Mean (tm). Tools::Check Allows for generic input checking and validating using a powerfull templating system Tools::Cmd Allows for the searching and execution of any binary on your system. It adheres to verbosity settings and is able to run intereactive. It also has an option to capture output/error buffers. Tools::Term Provides methods to ask both elaborate questions as well as simple yes/no questions via a Term::ReadLine interface using a template. It can also parse options per unix style. Tools::Module Allows you to query the state of modules on your system. It can tell you if you have certain modules installed without attempting to "use" them and can do smart loading of modules. Also it can tell you what *other* modules a certain module requires. Tools::SQL Allows for simple execution of SQL statements, eliminating the overhead of preparing and executing the queries. Simply provide the statement and the value(s) that need to be inserted and Tools::SQL will Do What You Mean (tm). Tools::Log This module enables you to do generic message logging throughout programs and projects. Every message will be logged with stacktraces, timestamps and so on. You can use built-in handlers immediately, or after the fact when you inspect the error stack. It is highly configurable and let's you even provide your own handlers for dealing with messages. AUTHOR This module by Jos Boumans . Acknowledgements Thanks to Ann Barcomb for her suggestions and my employer "XS4ALL" for letting me develop and release this during company hours. COPYRIGHT This module is copyright (c) 2002 Jos Boumans . All rights reserved. This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.