NAME XML::FeedPP -- Parse/write/merge WebFeeds of RSS/RDF/Atom formats. SYNOPSIS Get a RSS file and parse it. my $source = ''; my $feed = XML::FeedPP->new( $source ); print "Title: ", $feed->title(), "\n"; print "Date: ", $feed->pubDate(), "\n"; foreach my $item ( $feed->get_item() ) { print "URL: ", $item->link(), "\n"; print "Title: ", $item->title(), "\n"; } Generate a RDF file and save it. my $feed = XML::FeedPP::RDF->new(); $feed->title( "use Perl" ); $feed->link( "" ); $feed->pubDate( "Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:43:43 +0900" ); my $item = $feed->add_item( "" ); $item->title( "Pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing xml file" ); $item->pubDate( "2006-02-23T14:43:43+09:00" ); $feed->to_file( "index.rdf" ); Merge some RSS/RDF files and convert it into Atom format. my $feed = XML::FeedPP::Atom->new(); # create empty atom file $feed->merge( "rss.xml" ); # load local RSS file $feed->merge( "" ); # load remote RDF file my $now = time(); $feed->pubDate( $now ); # touch date my $atom = $feed->to_string(); # get Atom source code DESCRIPTION XML::TreePP module can parses RSS/RDF/Atom files, convert it and generate it. This is a pure Perl implementation and do not requires any other modules expcept for XML::FeedPP. METHODS $feed = XML::FreePP->new( 'index.rss' ); This constructor method creates a instance of the XML::FeedPP. The format of $source must be one of the supported feed fromats: RSS, RDF or Atom. The first arguments is the file name on the local file system. $feed = XML::FreePP->new( '' ); The URL on the remote web server is also available as the first argument. LWP::UserAgent module is required to download it. $feed = XML::FreePP->new( '....' ); The XML source code is also available as the first argument. $feed = XML::FreePP::RSS->new( $source ); This constructor method creates a instance for RSS format. The first argument is optional. This method returns a empty instance when $source is not defined. $feed = XML::FreePP::RDF->new( $source ); This constructor method creates a instance for RDF format. The first argument is optional. This method returns a empty instance when $source is not defined. $feed = XML::FreePP::Atom->new( $source ); This constructor method creates a instance for Atom format. The first argument is optional. This method returns a empty instance when $source is not defined. $feed->load( $source ); Load RSS/RDF/Atom file. $feed->merge( $source ); Merge RSS/RDF/Atom file into the existing $feed instance. $string = $feed->to_string( $encoding ); This method generates XML source as string and returns it. The output $encoding is optional and the default value is 'UTF-8'. On Perl 5.8 and later, any encodings supported by Encode module are available. On Perl 5.005 and 5.6.1, four encodings supported by Jcode module are only available: 'UTF-8', 'Shift_JIS', 'EUC-JP' and 'ISO-2022-JP'. But normaly, 'UTF-8' is recommended to the compatibilities. $feed->to_file( $filename, $encoding ); This method generate XML file. The output $encoding is optional and the default value is 'UTF-8'. $feed->title( $text ); This method sets/gets the value of the feed's element. This method returns the current value when the $title is not defined. $feed->description( $html ); This method sets/gets the value of the feed's <description> element in HTML. This method returns the current value when the $html is not defined. $feed->pubDate( $date ); This method sets/gets the value of the feed's <pubDate> element for RSS, <dc:date> element for RDF, or <created> element for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $date is not defined. See also the DATE/TIME FORMATS section. $feed->copyright( $text ); This method sets/gets the value of the feed's <copyright> element for RSS/Atom, or <dc:rights> element for RDF. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. $feed->link( $url ); This method sets/gets the value of the URL of the web site as the feed's <link> element for RSS/RDF/Atom. This method returns the current value when the $url is not defined. $feed->language( $lang ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <pubDate> element for RSS, <dc:language> element for RDF, or <feed xml:lang=""> attribute for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $lang is not defined. $item = $feed->add_item( $url ); This method creates new item/entry and returns its instance. First argument $link is the URL of the new item/entry. RSS's <item> element is a instance of XML::FeedPP::RSS::Item class. RDF's <item> element is a instance of XML::FeedPP::RDF::Item class. Atom's <entry> element is a instance of XML::FeedPP::Atom::Entry class. $item = $feed->get_item( $num ); This method returns items in the feed. If $num is defined, this method returns the $num-th item's object. If $num is not defined, this method returns the list of all items on array context or the number of items on scalar context. $item->title( $text ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <title> element. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. $item->description( $html ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <description> element in HTML. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. $item->pubDate( $date ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <pubDate> element for RSS, <dc:date> element for RDF, or <modified> element for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. See also the DATE/TIME FORMATS section. $item->category( $text ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <category> element for RSS/RDF. This method is ignored for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. $item->author( $text ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <author> element for RSS, <creator> element for RDF, or <author><name> element for Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. $item->guid( $guid, isPermaLink => $bool ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <guid> element for RSS or <id> element for Atom. This method is ignored for RDF. The second argument is optional. This method returns the current value when the $guid is not defined. $item->media_title( $text ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <media:title> element for RSS. This method is ignored for RDF/Atom. This method returns the current value when the $text is not defined. $item->media_text( $html, type => "html" ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <media:text> element for RSS. This method is ignored for RDF/Atom. The second argument is optional. This method returns the current value when the $html is not defined. $item->media_thumbnail( $url, height => $h, width => $w ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <media:thumbnail> element for RSS. This method is ignored for RDF/Atom. The second argument and rests are optional. This method returns the current value when the $url is not defined. $item->media_credit( $credit, rold => $role ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <media:credit> element for RSS. This method is ignored for RDF/Atom. The second argument is optional. This method returns the current value when the $credit is not defined. $item->media_category( $category, scheme => $scheme ); This method sets/gets the value of the item's <media:category> element for RSS. This method is ignored for RDF/Atom. The second argument is optional. This method returns the current value when the $category is not defined. DATE/TIME FORMATS XML::FeedPP allows you to describe date/time by three formats following: $date = "Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:43:43 +0900"; The first format is the format preferred for the HTTP protocol. This is the native format of RSS 2.0 and one of the formats defined by RFC 1123. $date = "2006-02-23T14:43:43+09:00"; The second format is the W3CDTF format. This is the native format of RDF and one of the formats defined by ISO 8601. $date = 1140705823; Last format is the number of seconds since the epoch, 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. You know, this is the native format of Perl's time() function. MODULE DEPENDENCIES XML::FeedPP module requires only XML::TreePP module, which is a pure Perl implementation as well. LWP::UserAgent module is also required to download a file from remote web server. Jcode module is required to convert Japanese encodings on Perl 5.006 and 5.6.1. Jcode module is NOT required on Perl 5.8.x and later. AUTHOR Yusuke Kawasaki, <u-suke [at]> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2006 Yusuke Kawasaki. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.