NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Prereqs::SyncVersions - DEPRECATED Homogenize prerequisites so dependency versions are consistent VERSION version 0.002000 DEPRECATED This module is deprecated as equivalent behavior is now part of "Dist::Zilla" SYNOPSIS ; [Prereqs::SyncVersions] Note: This must come after packages that add their own prerequisites in order to work as intended. DESCRIPTION This module exists to pose mostly as a workaround for potential bugs in downstream tool-chains. Namely, "" is confused when it sees: runtime.requires : Foo >= 5.0 test.requires : Foo >= 6.0 It doesn't know what to do. This is an easy enough problem to solve if you're using "[Prereqs]" directly, and "[AutoPrereqs]" already does the right thing, but it gets messier when you're working with plugins that inject their own prerequisites So this plugin will homogenize dependencies to be the same version in all phases which infer the dependency, matching the largest one found, so the above becomes: runtime.requires : Foo >= 6.0 test.requires : Foo >= 6.0 METHODS "mvp_multivalue_args" The following attributes exist, and may be specified more than once: applyto applyto_relation applyto_phase "register_prereqs" This method is called during "Dist::Zilla" prerequisite generation, and it injects supplementary prerequisites to make things match up. ATTRIBUTES "applyto_phase" A multi-value attribute that specifies which phases to iterate and homogenize. By default, this is: applyto_phase = build applyto_phase = test applyto_phase = runtime applyto_phase = configure However, you could extend it further to include "develop" if you wanted to. applyto_phase = build applyto_phase = test applyto_phase = runtime applyto_phase = configure appyyto_phase = develop "applyto_relation" A multi-value attribute that specifies which relations to iterate and homogenize. By default, this is: applyto_relation = requires However, you could extend it further to include "suggests" and "recommends" if you wanted to. You could even add "conflicts" ... but you really shouldn't. applyto_relation = requires applyto_relation = suggests applyto_relation = recommends applyto_relation = conflicts ; Danger will robinson. "applyto" A multi-value attribute that by default composites the values of "applyto_relation" and "applyto_phase". This is if you want to be granular about how you specify phase/relations to process. applyto = runtime.requires applyto = develop.requires applyto = test.suggests AUTHOR Kent Fredric COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.