NAME Dist::Zilla::Util::ConfigDumper - Easy implementation of 'dumpconfig' VERSION version 0.002000 SYNOPSIS ... with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::Plugin'; use Dist::Zilla::Util::ConfigDumper qw( config_dumper ); around dump_config => config_dumper( __PACKAGE__, qw( foo bar baz ) ); FUNCTIONS "config_dumper" config_dumper( __PACKAGE__, qw( method list ) ); Returns a function suitable for use with "around dump_config". my $sub = config_dumper( __PACKAGE__, qw( method list ) ); around dump_config => $sub; Or around dump_config => sub { my ( $orig, $self, @args ) = @_; return config_dumper(__PACKAGE__, qw( method list ))->( $orig, $self, @args ); }; Either way: my $function = config_dumper( $package_name_for_config, qw( methods to call on $self )); my $hash = $function->( $function_that_returns_a_hash, $instance_to_call_methods_on, @somethinggoeshere ); =~ All of this approximates: around dump_config => sub { my ( $orig , $self , @args ) = @_; my $conf = $self->$orig( @args ); my $payload = {}; for my $method ( @methods ) { try { $payload->{ $method } = $self->$method(); }; } $config->{+__PACKAGE__} = $payload; } Except with some extra "things dun goofed" handling. ADVANCED USE CALLBACKS Internally config_dumper( $pkg, qw( method list ) ); Maps to a bunch of subs, so its more like: config_dumper( $pkg, sub { my ( $instance, $payload ) = @_; $payload->{'method'} = $instance->method; }, sub { $_[1]->{'list'} = $_[0]->list; }); So if you want to use that because its more convenient for some problem, be my guest. around dump_config => config_dumper( __PACKAGE__, sub { $_[1]->{'x'} = 'y' }); is much less ugly than around dump_config => sub { my ( $orig, $self, @args ) = @_; my $conf = $self->$orig(@args); $config->{+__PACKAGE__} = { # if you forget the +, things break 'x' => 'y' }; return $config; }; DETAILED CONFIGURATION There's an additional feature for advanced people: config_dumper( $pkg, \%config ); "attrs" config_dumper( $pkg, { attrs => [qw( foo bar baz )] }); This is for cases where you want to deal with "Moose" attributes, but want added safety of NOT loading attributes that have no value yet. For each item in "attrs", we'll call "Moose" attribute internals to determine if the attribute named has a value, and only then will we fetch it. AUTHOR Kent Fredric COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kent Fredric . This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.