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For example, it encodes as following: ```perl use JSON::TypeEncoder; use Types::Standard -types; my $jsont = JSON::TypeEncoder->new; my $s = $jsont->encoder(Dict[a => Str]); $s->({a => 123}); # => {"a":"123"} my $i = $jsont->encoder(Dict[a => Int]); $i->({a => 123}); # => {"a":123} my $b = $jsont->encoder(Dict[a => Bool]); $b->({a => !!0}); # => {"a":false} ``` This will prevent unintended encoding. ### Fast Encoding performance is improved by string eval using type information. You can get speed comparable to JSON::XS. The results of a simple benchmark is as following. First comes a comparison using a very short single-line JSON string (also available at http://dist.schmorp.de/misc/json/short.json). ```perl {"method": "handleMessage", "params": ["user1", "we were just talking"], "id": null, "array":[1,11,234,-5,1e5,1e7, 1, 0]} ``` It shows the number of encodes per second. Higher is better: ``` # Rate JSON::PP JSON::XS w/ Types JSON::TypeEncoder JSON::XS # JSON::PP 39739/s -- -83% -90% -95% # JSON::XS w/ Types 234056/s 489% -- -42% -72% # JSON::TypeEncoder 405736/s 921% 73% -- -51% # JSON::XS 825118/s 1976% 253% 103% -- ``` Using a longer test string (roughly 18KB, generated from Yahoo! Locals search API (http://dist.schmorp.de/misc/json/long.json). ``` # Rate JSON::PP JSON::XS JSON::TypeEncoder # JSON::PP 984/s -- -96% -97% # JSON::XS 26946/s 2639% -- -13% # JSON::TypeEncoder 30919/s 3043% 15% -- ``` ### Pure Perl This module is written by pure Perl. So you can easily install it. ## **NOT** FEATURES This module NOT supports decode JSON to Perl data structures. You should use other modules like JSON::XS to decode. ## TYPE SPECIFICATION [Types::Standard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Standard) is used for type specification. The basic types are as follows, you can specify the type of JSON by this combination. ### Basic Types - `Str` Subtype of `Str` encodes always to string. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Str); $encode->(123) # => "123" ``` - `Num` Subtype of `Num` encodes always to number. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Num); $encode->(123) # => 123 ``` - `Bool` Subtype of `Bool` encodes always to boolean. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Bool); $encode->(123) # => true ``` - `Dict[...]` Subtype of `Dict[...]` encodes always to map. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Dict[a => Int]); $encode->({ a => 123 }); # => {"a":123} $encode->({ a => '123' }); # => {"a":123} ``` - `Tuple[...]` Subtype of `Tuple[A, B]` encodes always to list of type A and B. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Tuple[Int, Str]); $encode->([123, 456]); # => [123,"456"] ``` - `` ArrayRef[`a] `` Subtype of `ArrayRef[A]` encodes always to list of all elements type A. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(ArrayRef[Bool]); $encode->([1,0,undef,!!0,\0]); # => [true,false,false,false,true] ``` - `Maybe` `Maybe` encodes to undef if value is undef. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Maybe[Str]); $encode->('hello'); # => "hello" $encode->(undef); # => null ``` - `` Optional[`a] `` `Dict[name => Str, id => Optional[Int]]` allows `{ name => "Bob" }` but not `{ name => "Bob", id => "BOB" }`. ```perl my $encode = $jsont->encoder(Dict[a => Optional[Str]]); $encode->({a => 'foo'}); # => {"a":"foo"} $encode->({}); # => {} ``` ### More Example ```perl use Types::Standard -types; use JSON::TypeEncoder; my $type = ArrayRef[ Dict[ name => Str, fg => Bool, foo => Optional[Str], bar => Maybe[Num] ] ]; my $encode = JSON::TypeEncoder->new->encoder($type); $encode->( [ { name => 'a', fg => !!1, foo => '1', bar => '10' }, { name => 'b', fg => !!0, bar => '11' }, { name => 'c', fg => !!1, foo => '2', bar => undef }, { name => 'd', fg => !!0, bar => undef }, ] ); # => # [ # {"bar":10,"fg":true,"foo":"1","name":"a"}, # {"bar":11,"fg":false,"name":"b"}, # {"bar":null,"fg":true,"foo":"2","name":"c"}, # {"bar":null,"fg":false,"name":"d"} # ] ``` # SEE ALSO [JSON::XS](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::XS) [JSON::Types](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::Types) [Types::Standard](https://metacpan.org/pod/Types::Standard) # LICENSE Copyright (C) kfly8. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR kfly8 # CONTRIBUTORS - karupanerura