SPVM Provide Fast Calculation and Easy C/C++ Binding with perlish syntax and static typing to Perl * Fast calculation * Fast array operation * Static typing * Perlish syntax * Reference count GC * Low latency * JIT compile EXAMPLE SPVM Module: # lib/SPVM/MyMath.spvm package MyMath { # Sub Declaration sub sum : int ($nums : int[]) { # Culcurate total my $total = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$nums; $i++) { $total += $nums->[$i]; } return $total; } } Use SPVM Module from Perl use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib"; # Use SPVM module use SPVM 'MyMath'; # New SPVM int array my $sp_nums = SPVM::new_int_array([3, 6, 8, 9]); # Call SPVM subroutine my $total = SPVM::MyMath::sum($sp_nums); print $total . "\n"; AUTHOR Yuki Kimoto Ekimoto.yuki@gmail.com CONTRIBUTERS akinomyoga(Koichi Murase) https://github.com/akinomyoga NAGAYASU Shinya https://github.com/nagayasu-shinya Reini Urban https://github.com/rurban chromatic https://github.com/chromatic Kazutake Hiramatsu https://github.com/kazhiramatsu COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017-2018 by Yuki Kimoto MIT License =cut