RDF-LinkedData -------------- This is a simple server framework for serving RDF Linked Data. It follows the basic best practice recommendations with 303 redirects from the URIs that point to the physical or abstract things to documents that describe them. It is pretty stable in that it is being used in production systems, but unstable in the sense that it is not yet very clear if the API it provides is sensible. There are other open issues too, in particular, not all content types are supported and it may not quite do the right thing if the desired the content type is not found. It should be faster too. In particular, it should cache the query result between the first URI request and the second request, since it is the same data that is queried and returned. The distribution contains a script called linked_data.psgi. This sets up a basic Web server based on Plack, which is a modern high-performance framework. Running this script with the plackup utility will give you a web server with all the features of this module. See the inline documentation of that script for more information. Currently, RDF::LinkedData contains several methods that superclass may inherit to provide their own functionality. It is not quite clear yet if this is the Right Way to do it, so the API of this module may change. The functionality when using this as a server is unlikely to change in backwards-incompatible ways, so it may well be installed and used, and is in fact in production use for its author. SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION The best source of documentation is CPAN, e.g. https://metacpan.org/release/RDF-LinkedData The perlrdf mailing list is the right place to seek help and discuss this module: http://lists.perlrdf.org/listinfo/dev You can also look for information at: RT, CPAN's request tracker http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=RDF-LinkedData AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan.org/dist/RDF-LinkedData CPAN Ratings http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/RDF-LinkedData