NAME "Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes::Document" - Parse NYT article for research. SYNOPSIS use Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes; use Data::Dump qw(dump); use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); Log::Log4perl->easy_init ($INFO); my $corpus = Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes->new (fileList => $fileList, corpusDirectory => $corpusDirectory); my $document = $corpus->getDocument (index => 0); dump $document->getBody; dump $document->getCategories; dump $document->getContent; dump $document->getDate; dump $document->getDescription; dump $document->getTitle; dump $document->getUri; DESCRIPTION "Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes::Document" provides methods for accessing specific portions of news articles from the New York Times corpus. CONSTRUCTOR "new" The constructor "new" creates an instance of the "Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes::Document" class with the following parameters: "filename" filename => '...' "filename" is the path name to the XML document that is to be parsed. "dtdname" dtdname => '...' "dtdname" is the path name to the data type definition file provided with the corpus; it is usually something like ".../nyt_corpus/dtd/nitf-3-3.dtd". If not defined an attempt is made to located it using the path provided by "filename". METHODS "getBody" getBody () "getBody" returns an array reference of strings of sentences that are the body of the article. "getCategories" getCategories (type => 'all') The method "getCategories" returns the categories of "type" assigned to the document, where "type" must be 'all', 'controlled', or 'uncontrolled'. The 'uncontrolled' categories are those assigned to the document by an editor without machine assistance, the 'controlled' categories are those assigned with machine assistance. The type 'all' returns the union of the categories from 'controlled' and 'uncontrolled'. The default is 'all'. "getContent" getContent () The method "getContent" returns the content of the document as an array reference of the text where each item in the array is a sentence, with the first sentence being the headline or title of the article. If the lead sentence equals the headline of the article, then the headline is not prefixed to the list. "getDate" getDate (format => '%g') "getDate" returns the date and time of the article in the format speficied by "format" that uses the print directives of Date::Manip::Date. The default is to return the date and time in RFC2822 format. "getDescription" getDescription () "getDescription" returns an array reference of strings of sentences that describe the articles content. "getTitle" getTitle () "getTitle" returns an array reference of strings, usually one, of the title of the article. "getUri" getUri (type => 'file') "getUri" returns the URI of the document where "type" must be 'file' or 'url'. If "type" is 'file', the file path of the document is returned; otherwise the URL of the document is returned. The default is 'file'. INSTALLATION For installation instructions see Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes. AUTHOR Jeff Kubina COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Kubina. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. KEYWORDS nyt, new york times, english corpus, information processing SEE ALSO Log::Log4perl, Text::Corpus::NewYorkTimes, XML::LibXML, XML::LibXML::XPathContext