NAME Devel::ebug - A simple, extensible Perl debugger SYNOPSIS use Devel::ebug; my $ebug = Devel::ebug->new; $ebug->program(""); $ebug->load; print "At line: " . $ebug->line . "\n"; print "In subroutine: " . $ebug->subroutine . "\n"; print "In package: " . $ebug->package . "\n"; print "In filename: " . $ebug->filename . "\n"; print "Code: " . $ebug->codeline . "\n"; $ebug->step; $ebug->step; $ebug->next; $ebug->break_point(6); $ebug->break_point(6, '$e = 4'); $ebug->break_point("t/", 29); $ebug->break_point("t/", 29, '$i == 2'); $ebug->break_point_subroutine("main::add"); my @break_points = $ebug->break_points(); $ebug->watch_point('$x > 100'); my $codelines = $ebug->codelines(@span); $ebug->run; my $pad = $ebug->pad; foreach my $k (sort keys %$pad) { my $v = $pad->{$k}; print "Variable: $k = $v\n"; } my $v = $ebug->eval('2 ** $exp'); DESCRIPTION A debugger is a computer program that is used to debug other programs. Devel::ebug is a simple, extensible Perl debugger with a clean API. Using this module, you may easily write a Perl debugger to debug your programs. Alternatively, it comes with an interactive debugger, ebug. The reasoning behind building Devel::ebug is that the current Perl debugger,, is very crufty, hard to use and extend and has no tests. Devel::ebug provides a simple programmatic interface to debugging programs, which is well tested. This makes it easier to build debuggers on top of Devel::ebug, be they console-, curses-, GUI- or Ajax-based. Devel::ebug is a work in progress. Internally, Devel::ebug consists of two parts. The frontend is Devel::ebug, which you interact with. The frontend starts the code you are debugging in the background under the backend (running it under perl -d:ebug The backend starts a TCP server, which the frontend then connects to, and uses this to drive the backend. This adds some flexibilty in the debugger. There is some minor security in the client/server startup (a secret word), and a random port is used from 3141-4165 so that multiple debugging sessions can happen concurrently. CONSTRUCTOR new The constructor creats a Devel::ebug object: my $ebug = Devel::ebug->new; program The program method selects which program to load: $ebug->program(""); load The load method loads the program and gets ready to debug it: $ebug->load; METHODS break_point The break_point method sets a break point in a program. If you are run-ing through a program, the execution will stop at a break point. Break points can be set in a few ways. A break point can be set at a line number in the current file: $ebug->break_point(6); A break point can be set at a line number in the current file with a condition that must be true for execution to stop at the break point: $ebug->break_point(6, '$e = 4'); A break point can be set at a line number in a file: $ebug->break_point("t/", 29); A break point can be set at a line number in a file with a condition that must be true for execution to stop at the break point: $ebug->break_point("t/", 29, '$i == 2'); break_point_subroutine The break_point_subroutine method sets a break point in a program right at the beginning of the subroutine. The subroutine is specified with the full package name: $ebug->break_point_subroutine("main::add"); $ebug->break_point_subroutine("Calc::fib"); break_points The break_points method returns a list of all the line numbers in the current file that have a break point set. my @break_points = $ebug->break_points(); codeline The codeline method returns the line of code that is just about to be executed: print "Code: " . $ebug->codeline . "\n"; codelines The codelines method returns lines of code. It can return all the code lines in the current file: my @codelines = $ebug->codelines(); It can return a span of code lines from the current file: my @codelines = $ebug->codelines(1, 3, 4, 5); It can return all the code lines in a file: my @codelines = $ebug->codelines("t/"); It can return a span of code lines in a file: my @codelines = $ebug->codelines("t/", 5, 6); eval The eval method evaluates Perl code in the current program and returns the result: my $v = $ebug->eval('2 ** $exp'); filename The filename method returns the filename of the currently running code: print "In filename: " . $ebug->filename . "\n"; line The line method returns the line number of the statement about to be executed: print "At line: " . $ebug->line . "\n"; next The next method steps onto the next line in the program. It executes any subroutine calls but does not step through them. $ebug->next; package The package method returns the package of the currently running code: print "In package: " . $ebug->package . "\n"; pad my $pad = $ebug->pad; foreach my $k (sort keys %$pad) { my $v = $pad->{$k}; print "Variable: $k = $v\n"; } run The run subroutine starts executing the code. It will only stop on a break point or watch point. $ebug->run; step The step method steps onto the next line in the program. It steps through into any subroutine calls. $ebug->step; subroutine The subroutine method returns the subroutine of the currently working code: print "In subroutine: " . $ebug->subroutine . "\n"; watch_point The watch point method sets a watch point. A watch point has a condition, and the debugger will stop run-ing as soon as this condition is true: $ebug->watch_point('$x > 100'); SEE ALSO perldebguts AUTHOR Leon Brocard, "" COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2005, Leon Brocard This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.