Bio::Graphics::Panel - Generate GD images of Bio::Seq objects SYNOPSIS This is a simple GD-based renderer (diagram drawer) for DNA and protein sequences. It is used from Perl like this: use Bio::Graphics::Panel; # Create a series of Bio::SeqFeature objects. In this example, # we use AcePerl use Ace::Sequence; # or any Bio::Seq factory my $db = Ace->connect(-host=>'',-port=>2005) or die; my $cosmid = Ace::Sequence->new(-seq=>'Y16B4A', -db=>$db,-start=>-15000,-end=>15000) or die; my @transcripts = $cosmid->transcripts; # Let the drawing begin... my $panel = Bio:Graphics::Panel->new( -segment => $cosmid, -width => 800 ); $panel->add_track(arrow => $cosmid, -bump => 0, -tick=>2); $panel->add_track(transcript => \@transcripts, -bgcolor => 'wheat', -fgcolor => 'black', -key => 'Curated Genes', -bump => +1, -height => 10, -label => 1); print $panel->png; DESCRIPTION The Bio::Graphics::Panel class provides drawing and formatting services for any object that implements the Bio::SeqFeatureI interface, including Ace::Sequence::Feature, Das::Segment::Feature and Bio::DB::Graphics objects. It can be used to draw sequence annotations, physical (contig) maps, protein domains, or any other type of map in which a set of discrete ranges need to be laid out on the number line. The module supports a drawing style in which each type of feature occupies a discrete "track" that spans the width of the display. Each track will have its own distinctive "glyph", a configurable graphical representation of the feature. The module also supports a more flexible style in which several different feature types and their associated glyphs can occupy the same track. The choice of glyph is under run-time control. Semantic zooming (for instance, changing the type of glyph depending on the density of features) is supported by a callback system for configuration variables. The module has built-in support for Bio::Das stylesheets, and stylesheet-driven configuration can be intermixed with semantic zooming, if desired. You can add a key to the generated image using either of two key styles. One style places the key captions at the top of each track. The other style generates a graphical key at the bottom of the image. Note that this modules depends on GD. BUILDING AND INSTALLING From the directory in which this README file is located: % perl Makefile.PL % make test % make install The last step may need to be run as root. THE FEATURE_DRAW.PL SCRIPT This module contains a simple script named "" that takes a file of annotations and generates an image. When first built, the script lives in the "scripts" subdirectory. After installation, the script will be moved into your system-wide scripts directory (usually /usr/bin or something similar). There is a sample features file in the "eg" subdirectory. After building, but before installation, you can run the following command from the directory in which this README file is located: % scripts/ eg/feature_data.txt | display - This is piping the output directly to the "display" program, part of the ImageMagick package. Replace with your favorite PNG-capable display program. After installation, will be available on your command path. Run "man" to see the manual page, or use the -h option to get a quick summary of usage. THE GBROWSE CGI SCRIPT The gbrowse script is a CGI script that will render features contained in a Bio::DB::GFF database. It implements a sequence browser that is eerily similar to the one used by Wormbase ( It is currently under development, so little documentation is provided. However, here is the brief synopsis: 1) install the following packages: Bio::Graphics Digest::MD5 Bio::DB::GFF These can all be found on CPAN, with the exception of Bio::DB::GFF, which must be downloaded from the bioperl CVS site, 2) Copy the file scripts/gbrowse to your CGI scripts directory, e.g. 3) Create a subdirectory named gbrowse.conf which will hold your configuration files. I suggest placing it with other web server configuration files, such as /usr/local/apache/conf/gbrowse.conf 4) Modify the installed gbrowse script to point at the correct configuration file. Find this line: my $CONF_DIR = '/usr/local/apache/conf/gbrowse.conf'; and change it to wherever you put the gbrowse.conf directory. 5) Copy the contents of eg/gbrowse/images into a directory in your web server document root, for example: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbrowse/images This contains a set of gif images used to create buttons. 6) Create a directory in the web server document root that the script can write into. This will be used to create temporary images before sending them to the user. The directory should either be world writable, or owned by the "nobody" user. I suggest a directory named "tmp" under the images directory. For example: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbrowse/images/tmp 7) Copy the stylesheet file found in eg/gbrowse/gbrowse.css into your web server document root, for example: /usr/local/apache/htdocs/gbrowse/gbrowse.css This is the stylesheet that gives gbrowse its user-friendly appearance. 8) Create a configuration file and place it into the gbrowse.conf configuration directory. You should start with the wormbase.conf sample file located in eg/gbrowse/gbrowse.conf/wormbase.conf. There is some documentation embedded in the sample configuration file. You will need to adjust the [GENERAL] section to point to the database and host on which your database is located. At the minimum you should adjust the following options: a) database = dbi:mysql:database=wormbase;host=localhost This is the database name used by Bio::DB::GFF b) fasta_files = /var/www/elegans This is the location in which the FASTA files containing the raw DNA are located. c) stylesheet = /gbrowse/gbrowse.css This is the URL for the stylesheet. d) buttons = /gbrowse/images This is the URL for the static images e) tmpimages = /gbrowse/images/tmp This is the location of the temporary images directory. This directory MUST be writable by the web server user, and MUST be located under the document root. After the [GENERAL] section are a set of [FEATURE NAME] sections, that correspond to each of the sequence feature types that you wish to make browsable. The examples are very wormbase specific. You will need to edit this heavily to suit the list of features you wish to display. 9) Load the GFF database, following the instructions contained in the Bio::DB::GFF module. Be careful. The format of the GFF load file is very specific. Let me know if you actually get this working. More detailed documentation and an install script are coming. Lincoln Stein November 16, 2001