# NAME Business::Fixflo - Perl library for interacting with the Fixflo API (https://fixflo.com)
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# VERSION 0.01\_01 # DESCRIPTION Business::Fixflo is a library for easy interface to the fixflo property repair service, it implements most of the functionality currently found in the service's API documentation: http://www.fixflo.com/Tech/WebAPI **You should refer to the official fixflo API documentation in conjunction** **with this perldoc**, as the official API documentation explains in more depth some of the functionality including required / optional parameters for certain methods. Please note this library is a work in progress # SYNOPSIS # agency API: my $ff = Business::Fixflo->new( username => $username, password => $password, custom_domain => $domain, ); my $issues = $ff->issues, my $agencies = $ff->agencies, while ( my @issues = $issues->next ) { foreach my $issue ( @issues ) { ... } } my $issue = $ff->issue( $id ); my $json = $issue->to_json; # third party API: my $ff = Business::Fixflo->new( username => $third_party_username, password => $third_party_password, ); my $agency = Business::Fixflo::Agency->new( client => $ff->client, AgencyName => 'foo', ); $agency->create; $agency->delete; # ERROR HANDLING Any problems or errors will result in a Business::Fixflo::Exception object being thrown, so you should wrap any calls to the library in the appropriate error catching code (TryCatch in the below example): use TryCatch; try { ... } catch ( Business::Fixflo::Exception $e ) { # error specific to Business::Fixflo ... say $e->message; # error message say $e->code; # HTTP status code say $e->response; # HTTP status message } catch ( $e ) { # some other failure? ... } # ATTRIBUTES ## username Your Fixflo username ## password Your Fixflo password ## custom\_domain Your Fixflo custom domain, defaults to "api" (which will in fact call the third party Fixflo API) ## url\_suffix The url suffix to use after the custom domain, defaults to fixflo.com ## client A Business::Fixflo::Client object, this will be constructed for you so you shouldn't need to pass this # METHODS issues agencies issue agency Get a \[list of\] issue(s) / agenc(y|ies): my $paginator = $ff->issues( %query_params ); my $issue = $ff->issue( $id ); Will return a [Business::Fixflo::Paginator](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Fixflo::Paginator) object (when calling endpoints that return lists of items) or a Business::Fixflo:: object for the Issue, Agency, etc. %query\_params refers to the possible query params as shown in the currency Fixflo API documentation. For example: page=\[n\]. You can pass DateTime objects through and these will be correctly changed into strings when calling the API: # issues raised in the previous month my $paginator = $ff->issues( CreatedSince => DateTime->now->subtract( months => 1 ), ); Refer to the [Business::Fixflo::Paginator](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Fixflo::Paginator) documentation for what to do with the returned paginator object. # SEE ALSO [Business::Fixflo::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Fixflo::Client) [Business::Fixflo::Issue](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Fixflo::Issue) [Business::Fixflo::Agency](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Fixflo::Agency) [Business::Fixflo::Paginator](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Fixflo::Paginator) [http://www.fixflo.com/Tech/Api/V2/Urls](http://www.fixflo.com/Tech/Api/V2/Urls) # AUTHOR Lee Johnson - `leejo@cpan.org` # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/leejo/business-fixflo