# NAME Business::Mondo - Perl library for interacting with the Mondo API (https://api.getmondo.co.uk)
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# VERSION 0.03 # DESCRIPTION Business::Mondo is a library for easy interface to the Mondo banking API, it implements all of the functionality currently found in the service's API documentation: [https://getmondo.co.uk/docs](https://getmondo.co.uk/docs) **You should refer to the official Mondo API documentation in conjunction** **with this perldoc**, as the official API documentation explains in more depth some of the functionality including required / optional parameters for certain methods. Please note this library is very much a work in progress, as is the Mondo API. All objects within the Business::Mondo namespace are immutable. Calls to methods will, for the most part, return new instances of objects. # SYNOPSIS my $mondo = Business::Mondo->new( token => $token, # REQUIRED api_url => $url, # optional ); # transaction related information my @transactions = $mondo->transactions( account_id => $account_id ); my $Transaction = $mondo->transaction( id => 1 ); $Transaction->annotate( foo => 'bar', baz => 'boz, ); my $annotations = $Transaction->annotations; # account related information my @accounts = $mondo->accounts; foreach my $Account ( @accounts ) { my @transactions = $Account->transactions; $Account->add_feed_item( params => { title => 'My Feed Item', image_url => 'http://...', } ); # balance information my $Balance = $Account->balance; # webhooks my @webhooks = $Account->webhooks; my $Webhook = $Account->register_webhook( callback_url => 'http://www.foo.com', ); $Webhook->delete } # attachments my $Attachment = $mondo->upload_attachment( file_name => 'foo.png', file_type => 'image/png', ); $Attachment->register( external_id => 'my_id' ); $Attachment->deregister; # ERROR HANDLING Any problems or errors will result in a Business::Mondo::Exception object being thrown, so you should wrap any calls to the library in the appropriate error catching code (ideally a module from CPAN): try { ... } catch ( Business::Mondo::Exception $e ) { # error specific to Business::Mondo ... say $e->message; # error message say $e->code; # HTTP status code say $e->response; # HTTP status message # ->request may not always be present say $e->request->{path} if $e->request say $e->request->{params} if $e->request say $e->request->{headers} if $e->request say $e->request->{content} if $e->request } catch ( $e ) { # some other failure? ... } You can view some useful debugging information by setting the MONDO\_DEBUG env varible, this will show the calls to the Mondo endpoints as well as a stack trace in the event of exceptions: $ENV{MONDO_DEBUG} = 1; # ATTRIBUTES ## token Your Mondo access token, this is required ## api\_url The Mondo url, which will default to https://api.getmondo.co.uk ## client A Business::Mondo::Client object, this will be constructed for you so you shouldn't need to pass this # METHODS In the following %query\_params refers to the possible query params as shown in the Mondo API documentation. For example: limit=100. # transactions in the previous month my @transactions = $mondo->transactions( since => DateTime->now->subtract( months => 1 ), ); ## transactions $mondo->transactions( %query_params ); Get a list of transactions. Will return a list of [Business::Mondo::Transaction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Transaction) objects. Note you must supply an account\_id in the params hash; ## balance my $Balance = $mondo->balance( account_id => $account_id ); Get an account balance Returns a [Business::Mondo::Balance](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Balance) object. ## transaction my $Transaction = $mondo->transaction( id => $id, expand => 'merchant' ); Get a transaction. Will return a [Business::Mondo::Transaction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Transaction) object ## accounts $mondo->accounts; Get a list of accounts. Will return a list of [Business::Mondo::Account](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Account) objects # EXAMPLES See the t/002\_end\_to\_end.t test included with this distribution. you can run this test against the Mondo emulator by running end\_to\_end\_emulated.sh (this is advised, don't run it against a live endpoint). # SEE ALSO [Business::Mondo::Account](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Account) [Business::Mondo::Attachment](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Attachment) [Business::Mondo::Balance](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Balance) [Business::Mondo::Transaction](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Transaction) [Business::Mondo::Webhook](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Mondo::Webhook) # AUTHOR Lee Johnson - `leejo@cpan.org` # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/leejo/business-mondo