# NAME Business::Mondo - DEPRECATED please use Business::Monzo instead (https://api.getmondo.co.uk)
Build Status Coverage Status
# VERSION 9999.99 # DESCRIPTION Business::Mondo was a library for easy interface to the Mondo banking API, since Mondo have now changed their name to Monzo the namespace of the dist has been updated to [Business::Monzo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo) and you should now be using that dist instead. Note the functionality of Business::Mondo remains but may be removed from CPAN at anytime in the future. # SEE ALSO [Business::Monzo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Business::Monzo) # AUTHOR Lee Johnson - `leejo@cpan.org` # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. If you would like to contribute documentation, features, bug fixes, or anything else then please raise an issue / pull request: https://github.com/leejo/business-mondo