NAME CGI::Alternatives - Documentation for alternative solutions to VERSION 0.01 DESCRIPTION This module doesn't do anything, it exists solely to document alternatives to the CGI module. This documentation is a work in progress, an example script will be shown in raw and then the equivalent implementation for each alternative will be shown. Resources to further information and documentation will also be included. BUT WHY? hasn't been considered good practice for many years, and there have been alternatives available for web development in perl for a long time. Despite this there are still some perl developers that will recommend the use of for web development and prototyping. The two main arguments for the use of, often given by those developers, are no longer true: 1) " is a core module so you don't have install anything extra." This is now incorrect: If you are doing any serious web development you are going to have to use external dependencies, DBI is not in the core for example. 2) " scripts are shorter and simpler than alternative implementations." Again, not true and the following examples will show that. PSGI Plack Mojolicious Dancer Catalyst Others Dependency Handling AUTHOR INFORMATION Lee Johnson - `' This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO