# NAME HTML::GoogleMaps::V3 - a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API
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# VERSION 0.01 # SYNOPSIS use HTML::GoogleMaps::V3 $map = HTML::GoogleMaps::V3->new; $map->center("1810 Melrose St, Madison, WI"); $map->add_marker(point => "1210 W Dayton St, Madison, WI"); $map->add_marker(point => [ 51, 0 ] ); # Greenwich my ($head, $map_div) = $map->onload_render; # NOTE This module is forked from [HTML::GoogleMaps](https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::GoogleMaps), it is an almost drop in replacement requiring minimal changes to your code other than adding the ::V3 namespace. If you are using the deprecated ->render method you should change this to ->onload\_render as this version of the module removes ->render Note that V3 of the API does not require an API key so any key passed to this module will be ignored # DESCRIPTION HTML::GoogleMaps::V3 provides a simple wrapper around the Google Maps API. It allows you to easily create maps with markers, polylines and information windows. Thanks to Geo::Coder::Google you can now look up locations around the world without having to install a local database. # CONSTRUCTOR - $map = HTML::GoogleMaps::V3->new; Creates a new HTML::GoogleMaps::V3 object. Takes a hash of options. Valid options are: - height => height (in pixels or using your own unit) - width => width (in pixels or using your own unit) # METHODS - $map->center($point) Center the map at a given point. - $map->v2\_zoom($level) Set the new zoom level (0 is corsest) - $map->controls($control1, $control2) Enable the given controls. Valid controls are: **large\_map\_control**, **small\_map\_control**, **small\_zoom\_control** and **map\_type\_control**. - $map->dragging($enable) Enable or disable dragging. - $map->info\_window($enable) Enable or disable info windows. - $map->map\_type($type) Set the map type. Either **normal**, **satellite** or **hybrid**. The v1 API **map\_type** or **satellite\_type** still work, but may be dropped in a future version. - $map->map\_id($id) Set the id of the map div - $map->add\_icon(name => $icon\_name, image => $image\_url, shadow => $shadow\_url, icon\_size => \[ $width, $height \], shadow\_size => \[ $width, $height \], icon\_anchor => \[ $x, $y \], info\_window\_anchor => \[ $x, $y \]); Adds a new icon, which can later be used by add\_marker. All args are required except for info\_window\_anchor. - $map->add\_marker(point => $point, html => $info\_window\_html) Add a marker to the map at the given point. A point can be a unique place name, like an address, or a pair of coordinates passed in as an arrayref: \[ longituded, latitude \]. If **html** is specified, add a popup info window as well. **icon** can be used to switch to either a user defined icon (via the name) or a standard google letter icon (A-J). Any data given for **html** is placed inside a 350px by 200px div to make it fit nicely into the Google popup. To turn this behavior off just pass **noformat** => 1 as well. - $map->add\_polyline(points => \[ $point1, $point2 \]) Add a polyline that connects the list of points. Other options include **color** (any valid HTML color), **weight** (line width in pixels) and **opacity** (between 0 and 1). - $map->onload\_render Renders the map and returns a two element list. The first element needs to be placed in the head section of your HTML document. The second in the body where you want the map to appear. You will also need to add a call to html\_googlemaps\_initialize() in your page's onload handler. The easiest way to do this is adding it to the body tag: # SEE ALSO [http://www.google.com/apis/maps](http://www.google.com/apis/maps) [http://geocoder.us](http://geocoder.us) # BUGS Address bug reports and comments to: [https://github.com/G3S/html-googlemaps-v3/issues](https://github.com/G3S/html-googlemaps-v3/issues) # AUTHORS Nate Mueller - Original Author Lee Johnson - Maintainer of this fork