Apache/Gallery version 0.3 =========================== $Id: README,v 1.16 2002/01/01 18:06:17 thomas Exp $ INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make install Setup a virtualhostblock in httpd.conf, like this: ServerName gallery.yourdomain.dk DocumentRoot /data/pictures/ ErrorLog logs/gallery-error_log TransferLog logs/gallery-access_log PerlSetVar GalleryTemplateDir '/usr/local/apache/gallery/templates' PerlSetVar InlineDir '/usr/local/apache/Inline' PerlSetVar GalleryInfo 'Picture Taken => DateTimeOriginal, Flash => Flash' PerlSetVar GallerySizes '640 1024 1600 2272' PerlSetVar GalleryCopyrightImage 'htdocs/c.png' SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::Gallery Example of other stuff you can put on the GalleryInfo line: 'Camera => Model' You can also put ie: PerlSetVar GallerySizes '640 800' in a .htaccess file if you want other settings for that directory. Copy the files from templates/ to where you pointed GalleryTemplateDir to, copy htdocs/folder.png to your Apache icons directory and copy htdocs/gallery.css to the DocumentRoot of your gallery. Create /usr/local/apache/Inline and make sure your httpd can write to this directory. This will be used by the Inline module to compile the c-code used to access functions in Imlib2 It is possible to include a graphical copyright notice on each picture now. By setting the GalleryCopyrightImage PerlSetVar you can define the path to a picture that you want include in the left top of each picture. Apache::Gallery now has support for rotating pictures on the fly. To use this functionality you have to create file with the name of the picture you want rotated appened with ".rotate". The file should include a number where these numbers are supported: "1", rotates clockwise by 90 degree "2", rotates clockwise by 180 degrees "3", rotates clockwise by 270 degrees So if we want to rotate "Picture1234.jpg" 90 degrees clockwise we would create a file in the same directory called "Picture1234.jpg.rotate" with the number 1 inside of it. To include comments for each picture you create a picture.jpg.comment file that can include a first line of: TITLE: This is the new title of the page And this is the comment. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: - Apache with mod_perl - Image::Info - CGI::FastTemplate - Inline - Imlib2 (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/enlightenment/imlib2-1.0.3.tar.gz) COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) 2001 Michael Legart Templates designed by Thomas Kjaer See LICENSE for details.